The Fall Festival

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My hands clung to my chest as I tried to catch my breath. With a quick push, I was on the cold, damp Earth. Panic rushed through my veins. My heart felt like it was slowly breaking. Warm tears ran down my face as I tried to make out my surroundings. Jake was hovering over me with a Cheshire grin. "Why?" I managed to squeak out, wiping the tears from my face. People were starting to crowd around me. The rainbow-colored lights and screams filled the air. "Why not?" he asked, throwing his hands in the air. The smell of popcorn and bells ringing echoed through the darkness. "You know, it was nice getting to know the mysteries little Miss Alice had, but I've gotten tired of playing with you now." Jake was now laughing, taking the hand of my friend Emily, and walking away. My heart now broke, my face scratched up from the dirt mixed with tears smeared across my jacket sleeve. Today was supposed to be a fun day. A "once-a-year event"! The Fall Fair comes into town one week every year in October. I thought this year I finally had a partner to dress up with. I thought I finally had a person to walk through a haunted house with and be scared together. All those thoughts have just become nightmares and broken dreams now.

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that someone had sat down next to me. I looked over to see a young boy dressed up in what looked like a Halloween costume. He had black hair covering half his face. He was wearing a black hoodie with slack blue jeans. I sat up a little from the ground to see better at his face. I noticed he had pale skin with black duct tape across his mouth. I reached for the duct tape, only to have my hand snagged in his grip. I let out a small gasp from the speed and force of his grip on me. He looked directly at me while holding my wrist. I instantly caught his eyes. They were a blue color that looked lost in a fog. They looked full of pain and suffering. Why would this guy sit next to a crying girl if he didn't know her? Why would he be dressed like this for a costume? What was he supposed to be? Some kidnapped victim? I pulled my wrist out of his grip. The sadness in his eyes seemed to grow. Pulling away from the creepy guy, I jumped to my feet and began to break through the crowd. "Aw, look, her boyfriend didn't even want her dirty self" "Serves her right", "her friend was cuter anyway" and "How did she not know he was just using her from the start?" All the comments filled my head as I peeled through the crowd of drama-infested parasites. Once sad tears that rushed down my dirt-smeared face now became tears filled with rage and hate. I WILL NEVER LET ANYONE HURT ME AGAIN!

I finally made my way to the exit of the fair. To my surprise, Jake and Emily were standing against the "You are now leaving" sign laughing. There was no way around them. I would have to pass by to run away. I zipped my dirty jacket shut and threw my hood on. Tucking my hands in my pockets and keeping my head low, I quickened my pace past them. Just as I thought I was in the clear, I heard my phone's ringtone go off. That was Jake's ringtone. He called on purpose. "Never thought you were one to just run away from your problems little one," he said in a mocking tone". "Little one" was my pet name when we were together, now it only fills me with rage to hear him hiss the word. Emily must have thought it was funny because she began to laugh. "Little one?" What is a child? Aw, Jakie, did you have to take care of her? That's so messed up!" I had no clue why I was frozen in place and dealing with this. I should have run. I should have stayed quiet. I should have done a lot that night but unfortunately, we can't change the past. We can only learn from it.

Instead, I turned on my heel and walked right up to Jake and Emily. I pulled my hood down and stared daggers at them. "What are you going.." Before I let Jake finish his sentence, my fist made contact with his face. My body was burning up with rage. Jake grabbed his mouth which was now gushing with blood. My sight was fading in and out of blackness. Emily went to grab my hand which was now bleeding but failed. I dodged her advance and kicked her legs out from under her. She landed on her arm with a loud crack sound. The bone was differently broken. There was a moment of silence right before an ear-piercing scream broke the silence. Jake covered his ears and backed away from Emily and me. The scream only lasted a few seconds before her jade eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out. The right knuckles on my hand were now dripping blood. I went to grab Jake but found an arm wrapped around my waist. I was pulled away from a flinching Jake. I twisted around in the grasp to see the same Halloween-dressed-up guy from the fair. "LET ME GO" I screamed at the guy. He didn't seem to have any care for what I was saying. The sound of metal being dragged across the gravel rocks clanked with each of his steps. He continued to drag me until we were outside the Fair and starting towards the woods.

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