Chapter 16

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The ceremony for the newborn was quite quick to Taral experience, never the less it was as grand as any royal event, though their was not much people, and the fact that the Halaisi liked a minimalistic approach to decor, It was still a sight to behold indeed. Taral stood next to Rig Nema during the proceedings, being watchful of anything to happen.

"Usually your the one to say this, but lighten up Taral, nobody here to harm anybody, especially with all the security around" Rig Nema said

"Just used to being alert Rig, that's all" Taral responded

"I too used to be quite tense during my days as head protector of this place, but as you grow old you start to lighten up a bit" Rig Nema father said

"Hopefully, one day I'll find that relax you have Viscount, I would probably need that in the future" Taral said

"Master Jedi you would have a easier time then me if you ever want to get this relaxation" Rig father said

"If only the situation the galaxy in would allow that, I am one of many masters who sense a dark future happening, and I'm not sure the galaxy ready" Taral said

"If one is to look to the future and think about it too much, it will eventually consume him one way or another, even if their not force sensitive, the possibilities are to infinite to fully prepare" Rig father said

"Thank you Viscount, I'll admit that the future is to unpredictable to change, which is been a worse problem since the war, as the masters have continually keep losing their touch at predicting the future, but one should be optimistic in a sea of darkness" Taral said

"So how is my daughter been, She has been with the queen since she's gotten here, and I want to know how much my princess, literally, has been getting up to since I sent her to the temple" Rig Father asked

"As fine as she allows herself to be, she likes to work herself a lot, spending days helping the sick and wounded as a Jedi healer, by her own choosing. Sometimes we have to remind her to get some rest, else she might get to carries away" Taral said

"Ah a Doctor, a person of medicine. Quite a honourable profession within being apart of a very honourable order, How good is she with her weapon and her force powers" Rig father said, before levitating a cup to himself.

"She has a great aptitude to the force, and in many aspects she surpasses me in some force powers, such as force speed and precognition. As a Doctor she doesn't fight as much as other Jedi, however she is nothing to be trifled with, as seen during the battle of Corusaunt earlier this week, she a master in the defensive arts know as form III" Taral said

"Yeah, I'm not as good as Master Kenobi but skilled enough to save many lives papa" Rig Nema said, getting more involved in the conversation

"I'm proud of you my daughter, If your mother didn't leave the living world shortly after your birth, she would probably say the same" Rig Father said

"You really think so" Rig Nema said

"I do think so, the late master T'un taught you well, both of you, even when your friend Taral was his apprentice" Rig Father said

"As the only other Sith pureblood in the order at the time, It make sense that T'un would teach Taral, no other Jedi at the time would understand how to take care of Taral but him" Rig Nema said

"So do you know of which planet you come from Taral" Rig Father said

"No, but I do know that I'm from the Kissai subspecies, who were the highest caste back in the day, Before the Dark Jedi came to Korriban the Kissai were more or less royalty, and still were until the great hyperspace war" Taral said

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