Chapter 15

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It been a few months since the Jedi temple incident, and recently the battle of Corusaunt has taken place, In those sorts of situations, Taral would have been helping his fellow citizens, and Rig Nema would be at the hospital wing helping the wounded, but fore some reason, both of them were going to Halaisi.

Taral understood why rig was going, she was a Viscountess and her cousin, the queen of the planet was celebrating the birth of her second child, in which she was invited to, what he didn't expect, was that her father himself requested the presence of him at the planet as well, but he wasn't complaining, Just confused.

Rig Nema was holding a single suitcase, as the last time she was their she had to stay for a month. The last time Taral was on Halaisi was on a mission with master T'un at 13 years old, where he protected the past king from some assassins, He supposed he made a good impression on rig father when he was their, as he was a security chief at the time.

Both of them went near the Halaisi star ship, where they were greeted by one of the queen's servants.

"Good evening master Taral and Viscountess Dr Rig Nema, it would be kind if you come aboard" the servant said

"Very well, good butler, let me put in my own suitcase please" Rig Nema asked

"Already done Rig" Taral said as he teleport the cases to the back of the ship

"Ladies first" the servant said as Rig Nema entered the ship, Taral teleported inside afterwards

"I assume both Jedi are in their seats" the driver said

"Yes" both Rig Nema and Taral said

"Driver, please start the engines" the servant said

"Very well" the driver said as the ship went off the ground and into space

"So, what's the baby name" Rig Nema asked

"Currently, we believe that he's called Pat, though you have to see for yourself, Viscountess" the servant asked

"So what's my mission for Halaisi, to protect the new-born from assassins, solve a regional dispute, stop one of the more dangerous cults from doing anything stupid" Taral asked

"No sir, your just summoned here because the Queen wanted to invite the person who saved her father's life, and since master T'un sadly died 3 to 4 years ago, you the obvious choice" the servant said

"Well a break from Jedi duties is good too" Taral said

"Yeah, I've been working hard lately as many people have been dying because of the war, so a actual break from that is fine" Rig Nema said

"I hope your stay on Halaisi is refreshing for the both of you" the servant said

Meanwhile on the planet Quietus, In Xal'goole Amphitheatre, both he and Darth Cardinal, in his physical form, were discussing about upcoming events. As extremely powerful force entities, they knew in great detail about how order 66 and the rise of the empire would take place any few days now, they were trying to make sure that history was in their favour, and that their goals were set.

"Ahsoka is at the battle of Mandalore, and I'm currently manipulating Shakvi Renlow to be at Corusaunt during operation Knightfall so he can save her daughter, I feed Deaan with more knowledge on teleporting so she can save herself, and Taral and Nema are approaching Halais, all people needed for the development of our most needed ally should be safe, though Ahsoka is the priority" Darth Cardinal said

"Great, with the will of the force we will stop Rhandus attack on the Multiverse,  Just like we stopped Pia from replacing all sentient species with her super species a thousand years ago no?" Xal'goole said

"Not that I doubt the plan you got us into, but do you really think our awaited one, both of our champion, hell even our equal and my Ashla counterpart would be ready to defeat Rhandus when the day comes?" Darth Cardinal asked

"With your help, indirect help of course, she could" Xal'goole said

"At the start of your plan, I was doubtful on if it will work in the first place, and it nearly fell apart when you revealed yourself to Barriss and she nearly killed Ahsoka, but I'm sure the awaited one will be born, as long as Ahsoka survive order 66" Darth Cardinal said

"We must also keep an eye out for Vaash Ti, in the future she will be a pioneer in dimensional force powers, or not, maybe she will become a simple pirate, regardless she is a figure to keep eyes on" Xal'goole said

"Any favourites you want to shave to reap later" Darth Cardinal asked

"I want to take Deran life when she's an old an disabled woman, She wanted to go into my gardens at such a young age, and while I appreciate her lack of fear towards death I want her to fully appreciate life before her time" Xal'goole said

"Very well, all that awaits is to help Ahsoka survive order 66, and then influence her to have the kid she always wanted" Darth Cardinal said

"So you filled her with dreams of parenthood, nice move" Xal'goole said

"No, she always had said desire, even the name Bizana isn't my thinking, but I have monitoring her current love interest, a young Togruta male called Japhet Sano which she's secretly been dating since the battle of Onderon, I'm keen on getting them both together" Darth Cardinal said

"Speaking of weddings, what about Taral and Rig Nema!" Xal'goole said, before taking on the form of an Halaisi priest

"I just figured they would marry after the war on their own after realising most of the Jedi are dead, I didn't expect you to actively want them to get married, definitely not right now" Darth Cardinal

"Oh please on Halais I'm both the Grim reaper and the matchmaker, if you know what I mean, plus I have a great plan A and plan B" Xal'goole said as he unconventionally giggled

"Just make sure to keep it subtle I guess, and do remember that we need to keep Ahsoka alive, she's the bigger priority right now" Darth Cardinal said

"Don't worry, my plans in motion right now, and it involved peaches!" Xal'goole said

"Oh great, your using the Peach angle to get them wed" Darth Cardinal said

"Your sounding like your cringing on the inside" Xal'goole said

"While on a side note the narrative were making dose feel that way" Darth Cardinal said

Meanwhile on Halais, Taral and Rig Nema ship lands on the Queen royal palace shipyard, where Rig Father and the queen wait for them to come out of the ship. Taral always liked Halais, a nice and beautiful place, and he could tell that rig was happy to.

As they got off the ship, they meet with the Viscount and Queen

"Hi Rig, Nice of you to come for me" the Queen said before hugging Rig

"Why not, your my cousin after all" Rig Nema said

"Oh my daughter, nice to see you after all of these years, you've grown so much, and Taral my friend you actually came along" the Viscount said

"Pleasure to meeting you again Viscount, and it's an honour to be  in your presence your highness" Taral said

"Oh don't flatter me like that, I have a family already, beside we should save the talking for inside master Jedi, the baby official naming ceremony is going to take place anyway" the Queen said.

"My Queen, it's time to invite the guests to the main hall, the ceremony awaits your majesty" the Priest next to her said 

"Now come along with me everybody" the Queen said as everybody followed her

Taral was happy for Rig Nema to meet her family after all the work she's done for everybody, a true break from current events, he only hopes nothing bad happens, or at the very least he doesn't do anything to upset her royal folk.

What the worse that can happen?

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