Episode 9:Battle of Strongs

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Riku:*laying with his head on her lap*
Astravation:*rubbing his head* so your friends are getting stronger
Riku:yeah, maybe now we'll be able to get on a mission together
Astravation:I'm sure you will at some point
Riku:hey Astra
Riku:what's your power, like your abilities
Astravation:I can use ice but I also can create a zone
Riku:Yuji awakened his seal and got a zone
Astravation:a zone isn't necessarily a seal exclusive technique, it's a concept that can be applied regardless of whether you have a seal or not
Riku:a concept?
Astravation:think of it like having your own area of control, it's your own domain so to speak
Riku:hold on *takes out his phone then shows her a photo* like this?
Astravation:yeah but it's not entrapping you and your opponent in a barrier, it's more like that other one, just creating a small space
Riku:does it deactivate the seal of your opponent
Astravation:no that's now how they work unless your zone has such conditions it doesn't really do that
Riku:then what's the point of creating a zone if it's not giving you that much of an advantage
Astravation:because your attacks are guaranteed inside the zone
Riku:oh, so it's a sure hit
Riku:I used a zone yesterday because I copied Yuji's seal but I guess I was a bit mad since it flooded the whole room
Astravation:(he flooded the whole room?! How big is his range?!) you know a zone is only as big as your range, it can get bigger through training but having a large zone doesn't necessarily make it better
Riku:but the attacks are sure hit
Astravation:that may be true but it's better to stick to your range
Riku:so then what if I enclosed my opponent in the zone with me
Astravation:like the thing you showed me
Astravation:I guess but that's more like contractual conditions, it's too complicated
Riku:thanks for that lesson
Astravation:anything master Riku
Riku:*sits up* time to go train
Astravation:you're going to train?
Riku:of course, I have to keep things up and running *hops up* do you want to join
Astravation:no it's fine, I'll just be sleeping in here
Riku:okay then *walks out*
Astravation:*lays back and falls asleep*
Riku:(okay then, who should I train with?) hmm
Ono:what's on your mind
Riku:miss Ono!
Ono:*smiles* are you thinking about something
Riku:I was just wondering who to train with, unless you want to do that
Ono:I don't think you'd get anything productive training with me
Riku:yeah I could!
Riku:*falls to his hands and knees* ah
Ono:what do you want to train
Riku:not anything specific
Ono:you can stand up by the way
Riku:*gets up*
Ono:*pats his head*
Riku:*blushes* do you know what a zone is
Ono:yes, that's another technique that isn't so common, or rather it's an elite skill not easily obtained
Riku:I see
Ono:unless it's written into your seal like with your friend then it's not something anyone can do
Riku:I did it
Ono:that's only because you copied it with the artificial seal, would you be able to do that without it
Riku:true, probably not
Ono:you don't have a seal to begin with but that doesn't mean you're not strong
Riku:*looks at her*
Ono:become strong for me Riku, you have to defeat the four horsemen of hexes
Riku:would it be possible to remove a hex from its vessel
Ono:maybe, I'm not sure though
Riku:I want to remove the Sex Hex from Rumi
Ono:*smiles* I see how it is
Riku:such a good looking girl doesn't deserve to die!
Ono:*pats his head* I'll look into it, just take it easy okay
Riku:one more thing!
Riku:do you know how to make a zone
Ono:it's a secret *walks off*
Riku:I see
Ono:(your feelings for her are temporary, your obedience to me is forever)
Riku:maybe I'll ask Ryota *walks over then hops on the railing before hopping to another floor* hup
*in the room*
Ryota:you should've kept it
Yuji:there's no point, I don't really need a hex for support
Ryota:we don't even know what she's planning to do with all those hexes
Yuji:let's just trust in Riku
Riku:*opens the door* yo
Yuji:speak of the devil
Riku:let's train
Ryota:not today
Riku:you're not doing anything
Ryota:I'm planning
Yuji:I'll go with you
Riku:nah, it's fine
Yuji:if you say so
Riku:do you think it would be possible to remove a hex from their vessel
Yuji:I don't know, but who knows
Riku:I'll do anything to take her out of Rumi
Ryota:don't tell me you actually fell for that girl
Riku:I like a lot of girls but, Rumi is important too
Yuji:*smiles* I'm sure you'll be able to do it, you're different after all
Riku:mm *walks over and sits against the bed*
Yuji:*pats his head* I still wouldn't trust her as of now, we don't know what she's planning
Riku:I didn't get to fuck Rumi, it was that damn Sex Hex
Ryota:that's probably why you didn't feel anything
Riku:she killed the excitement, a boring way to lose my virginity
Yuji:and you think doing it with Rumi will make it better
Riku:I should feel something if they're human right
Yuji:I guess so
Riku:I saw Rumi recently
Riku:she was there at the party
Ryota:oh, is that why you went to the rooftop
Riku:not really, I just wanted to see the view but I guess she was waiting for me
Yuji:so what happened
Riku:just the usual thing
Ryota:like what
Riku:I punched her in the face, didn't seem like it bothered her though
Yuji:maybe she's a masochist
Ryota:more like a sadomasochist
Riku:hey both of you
Riku:who would you say is the strongest person you've fought, not counting hexes or miss Ono
Yuji:undoubtedly Ako, her ability truly is a force to be reckoned with
Ryota:same, that speed is just a pain to deal with
Riku:ah right, I remember her
Yuji:that would actually be a good ability to have stored for you
Riku:don't need it, I'll beat her with my own strength. I won't use any of the seals or abilities I have stored *gets up and walks out*
Yuji:there he goes
Ryota:let's go watch
Ryota:you can't tell me that you don't want to see how this will turn out
Yuji:fair enough
Both:*walk out*
*in the medical ward*
Ako:*looking out the window* that kid got his seal huh
Kano:well, I always knew he would get something, he's decent
Riku:*walks in and snaps his fingers* you've never fought the epitome have you
Ako:*looks back*
Riku:*points at her* spar with me, I'm confident that I'll win
Ako:are you sure
Riku:*smiles* I won't even use any of the seals or abilities that I borrowed
Ako:I would really recommend you do that
Riku:you don't know how naturally strong I am
Ako:okay I'll take you up on that, wait for me in the rec room
Riku:of course *walks out*
Kano:their strongest versus our strongest
Ako:I want to see why Ono has him in such high regard anyway
*in the rec room*
Riku:*stretching his arms* it's been awhile since I've even let loose like this, I wonder if I can control myself
Ako:*walks in* I'll say this again, are you sure that you don't want to use any of the seals or abilities you have
Riku:I'm confident
Ako:okay then *appears in front of him*
Ako:*kicks from the side*
Riku:*strikes to the side*
Ako:*steps up in front of him as she right hooks to his ribs*
Riku:*steps in and front elbows*
Ako:*axe handles from behind*
Riku:*turns and blocks then strikes to her body*
Ako:*appears beside him as she kicks*
Ako:*drops her elbow to the top of his head*
Riku:*turns and blocks then knees*
Ako:*steps off his knee and knees him in the face*
Riku:*left hooks*
Ako:*vanishes as she slides back* you're definitely more of a tank than the others
Riku:(she's fast, no it's more than speed, it's almost like she's just skipping seconds in advance)
Ako:how about we up the speed, think you can keep up
Riku:*puts his fists out* yeah, no problem
Both:*vanish stepping in*
Riku:*double strikes*
Ako:*kicks from the side*
Riku:*steps past then steps around her and right hooks*
Ako:*elbows him in the body as she ducks*
Ako:*steps off his knee then jumping back kicks*
Riku:*ducks then steps in and high kicks*
Ako:*steps in and punches him in the body*
Riku:*pivots as he kicks to her ankle*
Ako:*turns and steps off his foot and scissor kicks*
Riku:*blocks and swiftly strikes*
Ako:*catches the punch as she pulls him down*
Riku:*overhand rights*
Ako:*blocks him from the inside with her elbow then uppercuts him in the body*
Riku:*grabs her shoulders* finally got you
Riku:*headbutts her*
Ako:*slides back as blood drips from her forehead*
Riku:it doesn't matter if you're fast, once I get a grip on you, it's easy
Ako:*touches her forehead then looks at her hand* fine, I'll punch through you at top speed
Riku:*gets in stance* I'll do the same, using only 10% of my strength
Ako:you're a joke
Riku:we'll see
Ako:*folds her hand*
Ryota:seems like they're about to finish
Yuji:he's never said a percentage before
Ryota:so you think it means something
Yuji:he might not be lying
Ryota:but then that would be such an overestimation, he's not a god
Yuji:it doesn't even need to be that level, it can be something else entirely
Ryota:either way, it ends here
Ako:*vanishes stepping past him*
Riku:*standing there with his fist out*
Ryota:what happened, I couldn't even see them move
Yuji:look at their hands
Ako:*standing with her fingers broken* you're pretty tough, doing that just to avoid the ravel
Riku:*blood drips from his fist as the skin is torn off his hand*
Ako:guess we leave it here, I'd rather not continue *walks out*
Both:*walk in*
Yuji:didn't think you could pull something like that off
Ryota:yeah, I can't even see her move when she goes at top speed
Yuji:how much is her top speed
Ryota:at most I'd say she's supersonic+ in terms of speed
Yuji:that makes sense since subsonic is already beyond what the human eye can see
Ryota:so then does that make Riku that fast
Yuji:no, he barely reacted, his reaction speed and maybe attack speed was faster in that moment but you have to take into account the type of attack used by both of them
Yuji:that ravel technique of hers is very linear thus if you're fast enough then you could very well react to it
Ryota:I see
Yuji:reaction speed doesn't correlate to movement speed
Riku:*looks over* oh, you guys saw all that
Yuji:yeah, real impressive stuff. You're just making us see the gap every time we're around
Riku:my bad
Yuji:you should probably heal yourself
Riku:right, give me everything, Kano *regenerates his hand* phew
Ryota:so that's how it works
Riku:you don't have a seal right
Ryota:it's complicated
Yuji:what he did was more like a pact
Ryota:*grabs his ear* when did you start getting smart, you never liked doing that in school
Yuji:coming from the guy who was a major smartass
Riku:*smiles then hops on them* let me in on it too!
Both:*fall over* ah!
Ryota:get off me you dumbass!
*in the office*
Ono:*sitting with her hands together* hmm
Suzuka:*walks in* you wanted to see me ma'am
Ono:yes, there's something I need you to do
Suzuka:what is it
Ono:please keep watch of Riku, no, please guard him at all costs
Suzuka:but why
Ono:we'll be having a visitor soon
Suzuka:a visitor?
Ono:and they want to take my pet away from me
Suzuka:*looks down* I see
Ono:I can't let him go when he hasn't even finished his training yet, so please do your best to keep him safe and out of grasp
Suzuka:I understand
Ono:*smiles* you're dismissed
Suzuka:yes ma'am *bows then walks out*
Ono:I won't let you take him, I might not be of your caliber but, it doesn't mean I won't kill you when you have such a weak vessel

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