Episode 12:Goodbye

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Rumi:*aura pours out as she lowers her hands* get ready, because this is a baby shower worth 9 days!
Riku:and I'll be getting Rumi back
Both:*vanish as they hop off*
Yuji:seriously, we doing that too fast for us to see thing
Ryota:treating us like total side characters
Sadmayny:*sitting up as she snores*
Suzuka:(no wonder why she took him in)
Both:*striking as they vanish*
Rumi:*blocks with her arm and kicks*
Riku:*dodges then hops in and kicks*
Rumi:*ducks then hand jabs* spiral application
Riku:*turns and dodges landing behind her as he right hooks*
Rumi:*back elbows as she dodges*
Riku:*dodges then overhand lefts*
Rumi:*catches the punch then shifts the weight lifting him up*
Rumi:*hand stabs* don't let it hit you!
Riku:*pele kicks*
Rumi:*blocks and slides back*
Riku:*appears in front of her as he strikes*
Rumi:*punches him in the face*
Riku:*axe kicks*
Rumi:*dodges and hits him with a left vertical fist*
Riku:*steps in and left hooks*
Rumi:*blocks and parries then forearm strikes him in the throat*
Riku:*steps in and bites*
Rumi:*dodges then punches him in the face then uppercuts him in the ribs*
Riku:*grits his teeth then starts striking* aaaah!
Rumi:*blocking as she steps back* hehe
Riku:*eyes white out as he increases his striking speed*
Rumi:*blocking and parrying* that's it, keep up that speed! Show me more!
Riku:*strikes grazing her cheek*
Rumi:*elbows him in the jaw*
Riku:*left hooks her in the face*
Rumi:*heel kicks him in the body*
Riku:*steps to the side and vanishes as he kicks from behind*
Rumi:*vanishes as she kicks him in the back* haha
Riku:*rolls to his feet then turns*
Rumi:*kicks him in the face*
Riku:*slides back as blood drips from face* ah
Rumi:*steps in putting her foot on his body before kicking him out* ravel impact
Riku:*spiral forms on his body as a chunk is blown out of his side and blood drips from his mouth* augh!
Rumi:there we go
Riku:*holding his side as blood drips down* hah, this really sucks
Rumi:*ravels her tongue into a spike then walks over as she reverts to human form* oh Riku, my sweet Riku
Riku:*looking at her*
Rumi:*walks over and kisses him deeply as she pokes the spike through the back of his neck*
Riku:*blood dripping down*
Rumi:*takes his pants down* please live long enough for me to get this over with
Riku:(this eternal emptiness, it keeps creeping up every time I'm about to get some action, I hate it.)
Rumi:*takes his underwear down then lowers himself onto him* sorry we couldn't do this in a better place
Riku:(I fucking hate this, it's depressing, this emptiness. Fuck)
Rumi:*riding him as she kisses him deeply* I'll heal you as soon as it's done
Riku:(miss Ono, would it still be empty if I did it with her? Guess I'll never know, I might just die here)
Rumi:*softly moaning* ah, ahn! Riku! Are you getting close, I know I am!
Riku:(well, not a bad way to die, I can't really be mad) you won't be a vessel anymore right
Rumi:*smiles* yeah
Riku:okay then (sorry guys, I couldn't do it)
Rumi:(finally, I'll be free) *smiles widely*
Riku:*twitches as he releases*
Rumi:*goes into her hex form* thank you!
Riku:can you heal me
Rumi:sure, I'll make sure you see this girl in 9 days
Riku:you promise
Rumi:yes *stands up* I'll pay you a visit too
Riku:*smiles and closes his eyes*
Rumi:*puts her hand on his chest and regenerates his wounds then walks off*
Riku:I can't wait to see you again, Rumi
*in his mind*
Riku:*standing there* Rumi
Rumi:*smiles then turns around*
Riku:where are you going
Rumi:live, Riku
Rumi:make sure you live
Riku:I don't get it, what are you saying
Rumi:*turns around smiling* just live okay, I'll see you around
Riku:*standing there as water forms between them* no, this can't be, it's not supposed to be like this!
Rumi:don't lose anymore or rely on that artificial nonsense, you're strong enough by yourself
Riku:*tears up and drops to his knees* stop
Rumi:see ya
*in reality*
Riku:*opens his eyes and sits up* ah!
Astravation:*asleep with her head on his chest*
Riku:*looks around* (I'm back at the facility) what happened
Ryota:you're finally awake
Ryota:don't look like that, it's ugly
Riku:*tears up then covers his eyes* aaaah
Yuji:*pats his back* cut him some slack, he went through a hard battle, right
Riku:*tearing dripping through his hands* ah, why does this always happen to me
Yuji:*rubbing his head* you did nothing wrong, things just happen
Yuji:I mean there's a lot better girls anyway
Ryota:Yuji's right, so don't even worry about it
*in the city*
Rumi:*walking* after 9 days it'll be a done deal, I'll get a new vessel and you can have your body back
Ono:unfortunately if such a thing were to happen then it wouldn't be good
Ono:*moves her hand down then points up*
Rumi:*arm goes down before going up as she uppercuts herself* augh!
Ono:*moves her hand*
Rumi:*crashes into the wall*
Ono:*raises her hand*
Rumi:*flies up*
Ono:*forcefully lowers her hand*
Rumi:*crashes into the ground as she coughs up spit*
Ono:manipulating the body is pretty specific but it's entirely about the phenomena of manipulation, doing that to you isn't the worse I can do
Rumi:why are you-
Ono:*kicks her into the wall then does a finger gun* because Riku isn't yours
Rumi:hah, what a pain
Rumi:*gets a hole blown in her body as blood drips from her body*
Ono:*grabs her head then seals her into an orb* me being a hex, makes my abilities a natural seal
*in the facility*
Astravation:*rubbing his head* don't be sad master Riku, I'm sure you'll see her again
Riku:don't you read manga, seeing them across the river is a bad sign
Astravation:I'm sure it's just your headspace being like that
Riku:she walked away!
Astravation:*scratches his chin* why fret over that, I can take care of you
Riku:*lays back* just go away
Astravation:what happened to your ring
Riku:it got destroyed
Astravation:must've been a tough fight
Astravation:*pats his head* you coming back was good enough
Astravation:(I can't believe he's really this bummed out over one girl that messed with him at least twice)
Ono:*walks in* Riku
Riku:oh, hey miss Ono
Ono:what happened to the ring
Riku:it got destroyed
Ono:*tosses him a choker*
Ono:consider that an even greater gift, and forget about that girl
Riku:can I
Ono:I'll be going on a business trip to Kyoto so, I'll be leaving my assistant in charge of things
Astravation:your assistant
Riku:who's your assistant
Ono:you'll see her soon enough, and this time you won't lose that one
Riku:*looks down* yeah
Ono:*walks over then kisses his forehead as she grabs the choker and puts it on his neck and tightens it* from now on, promise me that you won't lose
Riku:yeah, I won't lose
Ono:*smiles and walks out* I'll see you in a couple weeks
Riku:*touches his choker* Astra, train with me
Astravation:(so that gets him out of slump) fine, I haven't exercised in ages though
Riku:(Rumi, I'll be waiting for you) that's fine, I'll get your gears moving
*in the room*
Yuji:so she's back in her seal
Ryota:guess so
Yuji:you know, if she could swap hands then you guys would've been able to jump her more effectively
Ryota:shut up
Yuji:and that just means I can refine my zone even more
Ryota:are you sure Riku will be okay
Yuji:yeah, some other girl will get his attention, he moves on fast
Ryota:that one just seemed like it really mattered to him
Yuji:*slicks his hair back* if not, I got him
Ryota:just admit you're gay
Yuji:I'm not gay
Yuji:I mean we get permission and head outside, go to the store, head to the park, something like that
Ryota:can we really trust him in public
Yuji:we'll both be there
Yuji:and maybe he'll see someone worth his time
Ryota:*lays back* whatever
Yuji:let's train together
Ryota:do you really want to
Yuji:don't worry, I won't use my seal
Ryota:whatever, not like I wouldn't win if you did that
Yuji:just try me you emo boy
Ryota:*sits up* you're on slant eye
Yuji:*smiles* just kidding, I'm gonna head to the bathroom, you can try teaching that hex of yours some hand to hand skills
Ryota:I hate you
Yuji:see ya *walks out*
Ryota:*sighs* all of you are jokes

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