The Gozen Clan

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You always thought it was weird.

The way you could see those daunting creatures, utterly unexplainable and monstrous. Some had quirky and odd figures, varying from the size of an infant to that of an elephant. It sent shivers down your spine every time you encountered them, their ghostly and deadly presence filling you with an intense dread that seemed to seep into your very soul. It was as if you were living in a world where nightmares had taken on physical form.

"Nana, why do they exist? Why do they look scary? I don't wanna see them anymore, Nana..!"

You had mastered the art of indifference when it came to these creatures, even when one hung ominously close to your teacher's shoulder. It was as if they were nothing more than mundane objects, and you went about your life, ignoring their unsettling presence as though it were the most natural thing in the world. That was the advice your grandmother had imparted to you, and you had followed it diligently. After all, you had never met another soul who could see these abominations, and your grandmother's wisdom had become your guiding principle.

You often found yourself lost in thought, pondering the very existence of these monsters that seemed to only reveal themselves to you and your grandmother. What were they, truly? Were they spirits of the dead, lost souls condemned to roam the earth? Were they demons, wicked creatures sent to torment humanity? Or perhaps they were the spawn of Satan himself, sent to sow chaos and despair?

Questions like these haunted your mind, but you had learned to keep them to yourself. Your grandmother's advice had always been clear

"Just ignore them, don't interact with them and act like they're not there."

Her words were etched into your consciousness, a constant reminder to remain detached and unresponsive in the face of the unknown.

"Nana, There's a monster under my bed!" Your tiny voice cried as you cling to your grandma.

She stirred in her sleep before waking up, "A monster?" She sat up and carried you up to her bed.

"Yeah! It was long and scary! I don't wanna sleep there anymore!" You hugged her. She was silent but hugged back, patting your back. Waiting for you to calm down and stop crying.

"Are you alright now?"

"Mhm... I think." You nodded as you slightly pulled back from the hug.

With you nestled safely in her arms, she leaned in closer, her lips brushing against the top of your head. She spoke in a hushed, comforting tone.

"You know, (Y/n), when you're scared, there's something special you can do."

"What can I do?"

"You can ask for a kiss if you're scared," she said, her words carrying the weight of generations of love and wisdom.

Your brows furrowed in thought, small face a canvas of innocence.

"A kiss?" You asked, still uncertain. "But how will that help?"

"You see, sweetheart, a kiss from someone who loves you has the power to chase away the scariest of storms. Love is like a warm hug for the heart, and a kiss is its special hello."




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