Curse Womb Part 2

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"Don't be scared. I'm in a good mood right now. Let's chat," Sukuna's voice echoed as you looked over to Megumi.

"That's the price he should pay for using me," Sukuna declared, pacing around before standing in front of you both. "He seems to be in trouble and can't get rid of me." He nonchalantly placed both of his hands on Yuji's uniform. "But this is only a matter of time," he added, ripping off the fabric.

Your fear paralyzed you, preventing any movement toward Megumi. 'Why does it have to be Sukuna? I want Itadori-kun, not Sukuna!'

"So, I'm thinking about what I should do now."

Both of you stood in shock as Sukuna dug his hand into Yuji's chest, blood gushing immediately out of his mouth as he grinned.

"What are you doing?" Megumi demanded.

You covered your mouth in horror as Sukuna took Yuji's heart out, presenting it as if it were a macabre offering.

"I'm going to take him hostage." Sukuna's ominous words hung in the air, sending chills down your spine.

Your mind descended into a mental gutter, unwilling to absorb more of the horrifying scene unfolding before you. Sukuna had just ripped out your friend's heart, and the threat of him taking your life and Megumi's seemed imminent. What was he even talking about?

Sukuna, after swallowing a cursed finger, turned his attention to you. "You can start to panic. I'm going to kill you," he declared, adding, "And I'm going to have fun with her after that. There's something in her. Something familiar."

Goosebumps erupted on your skin, and your spine straightened at his chilling threat. 'Noooo! Just think of me as the wind! I'm not even here, just consider me an invisible wall.' You were horrified as your eyes met Sukuna's gaze.

"She's got nothing to do with this," Megumi asserted, readying himself.

"Oh, it's not about that. This is a matter of my entertainment and a little questioning."

'What's that supposed to mean?' Confusion clouded your thoughts. 'What does he want to know?' The uncertainty only added to the terror of the situation.

In a sudden burst of movement, you felt a strong grip on your shoulders, lifting you up into the air. Whipping your head around, you found yourself in the clutches of Megumi's bird shikigami.

"Take her somewhere far!" Megumi's voice echoed from below as the shikigami ascended. You let out a shocked squeal, grabbing onto the bird's legs tightly as it soared higher.

"Fushiguro-kun!" you called out in both surprise and concern.

"I was thinking of making her an audience... Well, I'll save her for later anyway," Sukuna remarked with nonchalance, glancing casually at the ascending shikigami before refocusing on Megumi. The world below grew smaller as you were carried away from the impending danger.

Your heart pounded in your chest as the bird soared through the cold wind, your damp skin feeling the chill. The fear of being so high up in the air was overwhelming; the mere thought of falling from this height sent shivers down your spine. "Fushiguro-kun!" you called out, looking back, but they were out of sight now. The bird landed you on a rooftop and immediately flew back.

'I-Is there really nothing I can do?' you pondered, peering over the railings, uncertain of the direction your classmates were in. "Fushiguro-kun... don't die," you mumbled, feeling your legs go weak as you dropped to your knees.

"No... no!" You slapped yourself, wincing at the sting. "There's no use moping around. What can I do to help?" Your mind raced, 'Okay, so first. Itadori-kun let out Sukuna, and he's currently being held hostage by Sukuna.' You fumbled through your pocket, "Ichiji-san!" You quickly, albeit clumsily, pulled out your phone. "Hurry, hurry..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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