Girl Power

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"I'm Kugisaki Nobara," the confident, short-haired brunette girl introduced with a hand on her hip, her tone brimming with self-assurance. She directed a playful yet challenging look toward the three boys, "Cheer up boys, here comes another girl." She looks at the three guys, probably directing it to them.

"I'm Itadori Yuji," Yuji replied enthusiastically, flashing a broad smile and pointing to himself, "I'm from Sendai."

"I'm Gozen (Y/n), from Minakawa," you introduced with a nervous but warm smile, feeling a sense of excitement and apprehension at finally talking to another girl. Your interactions with other girls had been limited to your nana and best friends. You couldn't help but admire Nobara's cute uniform silently to yourself.

"I'm Fushiguro Megumi." Megumi kept his introduction short.

Nobara's sharp eyes scrutinized each of you like lasers, her gaze lingering for what felt like an eternity before moving on to the next person. She audibly sighed after completing her observation of Yuji, causing him to feel a twinge of offense.

"Why are you sighing at someone's face?"

Then, her scrutinizing stare settled on you, and you couldn't help but sweat a little under the pressure. 'So this is what it's like to be judged,' you thought, reflecting on the times you'd sized up others, suddenly feeling remorseful for any discomfort you might have caused.

"I feel like you have a good fashion sense, I like you," she suddenly declared, leaving you with a perplexed yet relieved smile as you tilted your head in response.

"Where are we going next?" Megumi ask Gojo.

Gojo's response was accompanied by a mischievous snicker, "Hehe, we finally have all four of you together." He made an announcement, "And the three of you are newbies to Tokyo." His voice lowered dramatically, creating a sense of anticipation. "Let's do it... A tour of Tokyo!"

Excitement bubbled up in you, Yuji, and Nobara, and you chanted in unison, "We love Tokyo!" Your voices resonated with enthusiasm, but Megumi, though slightly annoyed and mostly confused, maintained his stoic composure.

Nobara, brimming with enthusiasm, demanded, "Let's go to Disneyland! Disneyland!" This suggestion sparked an argument between her and Yuji, who pointed out that Disneyland was in Chiba prefecture and proposed the idea of visiting Chinatown instead. The two of them excitedly debated their preferences while the three of you bombarded your teacher, with you tugging at Gojo's shirt, recalling the excitement of your previous trips with him, and Yuji hugging him in sheer delight.

"Tokyo Skytree! Skytree! Please, Sensei!" you exclaimed with stars in your eyes, refusing to let go of Gojo's shirt as your excitement overflowed.

Megumi, on the other hand, could only watch, his stoic demeanor barely shifting.

Then, Gojo's voice resonated with authority as he declared, "I shall now announce the destination."

The three of you settled down, each of you getting on one knee, awaiting the grand revelation.

"Roppongi!" Gojo's announcement filled the air, echoing in your mind as you stared at a rundown and abandoned building. The sight was clearly the opposite of what the three of you had imagined, and a collective disappointment washed over you, with Yuji groaning in frustration and Nobara growing visibly irritated. A dejected air surrounded you as the reality of the destination sank in.

"Yup, there's definitely a curse," Megumi stated, his eyes locked onto the eerie building.

You feel yourself withering away, 'The Skytree...' you couldn't help but imagine the breathtaking view from the top of the tall structure, 'I wanted to take a picture to show Yuria and Yuna... maybe even Nana, but she'll probably lecture me and ask me what the heck I'm doing there...'

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