*Chapter 7*

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That evening, instead of returning to my room with Carlos and Jay, I went back to walk in the forest. This time, I clearly saw the trees parting to form a path. I followed it and soon arrived at the cabin where a deep voice was singing mournfully (play the song: "I'll be good" by Jeymes Young). I climbed up silently, struck by the despair and hope mingled within it.

Evan, with his guitar in hand, continued to sing. I watched him from the door. He didn't wear his neutral mask this time but a face filled with pain. When he finished, I came to sit beside him. He was about to get up, but I grabbed his wrist.

"Stay... please..."

Evan hesitated but sat down next to me. His mask was back, but his eyes shone with an undeniable and unhidden sadness. We sat there in silence, with only the hoots of owls reminding us that time had not stopped around us.

"Why?" I asked, nodding toward his guitar. "Why are you so sad?"

Evan looked up at the sky before answering in a surprisingly husky voice, "It's not your business. And besides, you wouldn't understand..."

He got up and was about to leave when my words slipped out without me being able to stop them.

"I'm trying to heal without disturbing anyone. I say everything's fine... but the truth is, I'm falling apart. I'm shattered. And I know nothing can fix me..."

I could see Evan stopping in the doorway through my tears.

"Why don't you try to forget?" he asked without turning around.

"How can you forget when your past is write all over your body and has invaded your mind?" I whispered, hugging my knees.

Evan didn't reply.

"You're not alone," I said.

He walked out of the cabin, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The next day, I didn't see my brother, as he had training with Ben. Even the girls weren't in the room. However, a book was open on Mal's bed. It wasn't her style to read. Approaching her bed, I saw a love potion. They were certainly going to enchant Jane, which meant they had changed their plan. Ben!

I ran through the corridors in search of him. I had to stop them. But as I turned a corner, I saw Ben take a bite of a cookie. The potion must have been inside it. The others were looking at him curiously. I was too late.

"Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" Ben asked, gazing at her with fascination.

Mal took the cookie back from him, and Jay placed his hands on Ben's shoulders, asking, "How do you feel?"

"I feel... I feel like singing your name, Mal!" Ben exclaimed.

Mal quickly covered his mouth and gave a signal to the others, including me, as they noticed my presence. They all turned to look at me, and Carlos approached me.

"It's been a while," Carlos began, eyeing me up and down. "I feel like you've been avoiding us."

"No, no," I replied hastily, forcing a smile. "I just prefer spending time outdoors."

Carlos nodded, but for the first time, I felt like he didn't entirely believe me. I smiled at him and took his arm, leading him towards the tournament field. If he started to suspect that I was trying to thwart their plans, it could be disastrous.

"Let's go see how you play!"

Jay and Carlos went to get ready in the locker rooms, while the girls and I headed to the stands. Evie talked to me about a certain Chad she had a crush on. I didn't say anything, but this guy seemed excessively arrogant to me.

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