part 2: Love at First Sight

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Matthew- I can't believe you wore lense just for him.

Yoongi- what? I had to make a good first impression..

Yoongi- what? I had to make a good first impression

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Matthew- here he comes....

Matthew- here he comes

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Mathew- my oh my~

Yoongi- shut your ass up!

Jimin- hi ☺️ you must be my bodyguard..
(Lord he's handsome Jimin you have to get a hold on him)

Yoongi- yes Jimin I'm Yoongi 🙂

Matthew- and I'm your future husband

Yoongi kicked him in the stomach ooh...ouch. 😬😬

Yoongi- I'm sorry he's off the hook...

Jimin- it's ok *eye smile*

Yoongi- (Yoongi he's so beautiful get a grip on him thank God you're his bodyguard 😌)

Yoongi and Jimin were staring into each other while there was an angry goose in between them

Matthew- 😠 I don't why I'm here!

President Park- Min Yoongi?

Yoongi- President Park it's so nice to meet you sir 😊

President Park- pleasure to meet you...I hope you can understand why I'm giving my only son to your hands.

Yoongi- I understand sir the world is very bad nowadays...

Jimin- dad I'm getting late I have to go..

Yoongi- where are you going?

Jimin- to my friends house he's having a party 🥳

Yoongi- I'm coming with you is it ok sir?

President Park- yes yes no problem be careful my boy 🙂

Jimin- I will dad..

Yoongi- don't worry sir he's in good hands 😊

Yoongi opened the car door for Jimin and sat in the driver's seat

Matthew- hey hey! What about me?!

Yoongi- walk home! Idiot

Jimin- *giggle*

Yoongi- (cute ☺️)

Jimin- here's the address Yoonie~~

Yoongi- "Yoonie"?

Jimin- yeah that's your new nickname 😊😊

Yoongi- reminds me of my mother.

Jimin- what?

Yoongi- my mom used to call me that.

Jimin- it's ok if your offended I'm sorry

Yoongi- no no it's ok call me that I like it 😁

Yoongi- no no it's ok call me that I like it 😁

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