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Dear Lisa,

It's bad enough that I don't have a driver's permit (By the way, no one cares that you got to take one of the last tests right before our county changed the age requirement), and my parents insist on me getting a ride to and from school with you every day, but the least you can do is not be rude as hell to me the whole time. You could at least give me time to get your car and not start driving once I step out the front door.

But you know what? Since I'm clearly the bigger person, I think the time has come for us to just be cordial with each other and nothing more. Since I'll have to wait another year and a half to get my permit, do me a favor these next few months and don't speak to me unless we're in your car. And even then, anything other than "Hello" and "Goodbye" would be far too much.

Fuck off and Forget You,



Dear Jennie,

First of all, it's bad enough that we even know each other—the specifics of why don't really matter. If you started stepping out of your house on time, I wouldn't have to do that.

You're NOT the bigger person at all. I told you that I wanted to be "just cordial" with you weeks ago before you snitched on me about seeing cigarettes in my room. Cigarettes that weren't even mine. (Is your life really that dull to where you have to look out your bedroom window and into mine for entertainment?)

Your latest snitching stunt has ended any shit about us ever being cordial again.

Fuck off and Forget You, Too,


PS—We both know you're never going to get your driver's permit because you consistently fail the written exam in Driver's Ed. (Newsflash: The shit isn't that hard)

PSS—Congrats on learning how to use spellcheck for the first time in an email this year.


Dear Lisa AND Jennie,

Please log off your computer stations and report to the principal's office right now. I've warned you two, time and time again, to stop using the school's server to email each other these petty little notes.

Do you have any idea how this can be misconstrued as cheating? Any idea how reckless you two are?

You're in the middle of taking an exam!

Forget BOTH of you,

Miss Washington

I stared at miss Washington's email from yesterday, wondering why she didn't end our conversation sooner since we'd sent twenty-five emails before the one she decided to randomly interrupt.

Thanks to Jennie's pettiness, we'd been forced to leave school via an afternoon suspension for the rest of the day, and today was supposed to be a "fresh start."

And of course, she was late.

I honked my horn at 7:05, knowing that she was just standing in her living room and staring at the clock. Waiting until her "preferred" pick up time of 7:15.

At exactly 7:15, she opened the door and let up her flimsy umbrella, rushing across her front yard and into my car.

"Would it kill you to pull all the way into my driveway?" She shook her hair, getting water all over my dashboard. "Especially on the days when it rains? That's what a true gentlewoman would do."

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