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I would like to thank you (again) for snitching on me. Thanks to you, my mom won't even let me out of the house to check the mailbox. She took my phone, and I can't use the computer to send emails without her permission.

You have messed around with PLENTY of girls at our school and not once did I ever tell your parents (even when you were messing around with some of them at the same damn time) that you were bringing them up to your room. You ALWAYS bring girls up to your room, and I never snitch!

(Payback is going to be one hell of a bitch, and I'm still not talking to you on the way to and from school.)

Forget You,


PS—Mandy Banks is telling everyone that you're not that special girl, you're a terrible kisser and your cock is small. So, since you're going on a date with Shelby Hannah tonight, you may want to keep it in your pants since its clearly not that impressive.

PSS—Please toss your response letter through my window as THANKS TO YOU, this is my only means of communication O_o


You're very welcome. Given the fact that you were about to fuck Chan Easton, she should've also had you committed to a mental wellness institute, so consider yourself lucky.

Ms. Popular usually does date the most girls at school, Jennie. That's the whole point of being me. The only reason you haven't snitched is because you were too busy taking notes.

(I prefer the quiet rides to and from school anyway.)

Forget You,


PS—No comment on whether it's impressive or not. (That type of conversation can't be had with someone who has never seen a cock in real life) I'll be sure to give you all the details tomorrow since that's as close as you'll ever get to having sex.

PSS—You're very welcome.

Stepping out of my car and into drizzling rain, I crumpled my letter into a ball and threw it up through Jennie's window. As usual, it went in on the first attempt, and I waited to see if her lights would come on, but they didn't.

My "date" tonight with Shelby wasn't a real date at all, and I honestly felt like I'd wasted my time. When I took her to the drive-in theater, she spent most of her time talking about how "cute" of a couple we made and asking me if I thought she was prettier than Jennie. (Every girl I went out with asked me this shit for some strange reason) I spent most of my time texting the girl I went out with a few days before and telling her that I thought every girl was prettier than Jennie.

Our sex in the backseat of my car wasn't good at all, and for some reason, I wanted to talk to Jennie about it.

The lights in her room were off, and I was tempted to throw a few rocks to wake her, but I knew she was still too pissed to talk to me. That, and she definitely wasn't waking up at three o'clock in the morning to do so.

I made sure that my car was locked, that the lights were still off in my parents' room, and then I climbed up the ladder that led to my bedroom. Gently moving the books I'd wedged in the frame, I tossed them to the grass so they wouldn't make a sound. When I was sure that all was clear, I pushed the window all the way up and climbed inside.

The second I hit the floor, the lights in my room came on, and I was face to face with my parents.

What the fuck?

"Where the hell have you been, girl?" My dad's face was beet red. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

I didn't get a chance to answer.

Forget You ( jenlisa ) (gip)Where stories live. Discover now