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so, guys, hey. i'm sorry about that message, but it will most likely not be true!; i will try and get this book done before beginning a new one! i have received high demand for more chapters due to "cliff hangers" and other things. i seriously am so grateful for all of your support, and i would love to dedicate this chapter to @ProFangirl0, who requested for this chapter (and may i say a lot;) love you!!)

the video is the song "What About Angels" by Birdy, whom I absolutely love! You have heard the song in the movie "TFIOS" which is also a great movie, you should check it out ;) play this song throughout your reading, i love it! enjoy!


Dances are kind of shitty, if I must say for myself. All you seriously do is talk to your date or friends and eat food. Not much dancing, at least at my school. But this dance was different, and I was happy about it, oddly so.

The theme of the dance was of course Halloween, which was the upcoming holiday, the day after my birthday. The whole point of the dance was not to wear a costume, like most under that theme, but to wear a mask, which took me hours to find at a local dollar store. It kind of matched my dress, silver sparkles glinting on the edge of the plastic. I smiled broadly in the floor length mirror leaning against the wall of my bedroom, biting my lip as I admired the smooth texture of my dress, and the bouncy curls that adorned my head. I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet, grinning from ear to ear.

Now to the hard part: I can't dance.

I tried ballet once when I was 5 years old, but I was terrible at it. From being clumsy to "being sick on the day of recitals", I seriously screwed up in the whole dance department. Today I really decided I would stay off the dance floor, and avoid anyone who would want to dance with me, except for maybe Jason, whom I was getting butterflies about just on thought of him. It was terrifying to think that I was going to my first high school dance with my huge crush that I would most likely make a fool of myself in front of.

Butterflies were also set off in my stomach when I heard the doorbell ring. I squeaked and checked out my make-up once more; a simple bit of eyeliner and a tad of my mother's lipstick that she had given me when I was 13. I had left my short heels downstairs, so it was a perfect place to be headed. It was exactly 7:00 p.m., which was the exact time Jason had promised to pick me up. It was also an hour before the dance, which gave me even more butterflies on why he may pick me up earlier.

"Coming!" I yelled, hopping out of my room with glee, then carefully and quickly rushing down the stairs. I bit my lip as I checked one more time in the mirror at the front hallway. Calm the hell down, Casey. It's just a dance, I encouraged myself in my head, and I turned from the mirror and approached the door, taking a huge breath, and opened it.

"Well, damn, you look hot."

I blushed awkwardly at the compliment, and looked up from my hair feet, which had toenails adorned with mint green nail polish. "Tha-thank you." I said, giggling softly at him. He was wearing a sharp black suit, jacket neat and unwrinkled. A blue tie was done around his neck, and I giggled again at a few mistakes in the tying of it. "Needed some help with that?" I shrugged towards his neck.

He gave an exasperated sigh, "Yes, thank you. My mom said I had to do it by myself." I laughed out load this time, not minding the craziness laced into it firmly. I welcomed him into my house, which was empty besides me; my father had come home earlier from his disappearance, but then left immediately after picking up his wallet and car keys from the kitchen counter. I closed the door behind him, and made my way to the living room, where I told him to sit down.

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