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Summary :

Darren and Regie collab on onlyfans.

Darren's pov:

Fuck, I'm nervous.

Regie and my video is going up in 30 minutes and I'm so stressed.

Who shot like 3 different videos doing different things but I honestly feel like people will be able to see how uncomfortable I was.

Yea I shoot my own content, and stuff but it was my first time collabing with someone.

It's been 3 months since Regie and I became exclusive and I feel like people's going to expect more because we're in a relationship but fuck.

"Dar?" I'm sitting on the bed, hands in my head.

I look up, as Regie walks into the room.

"having second thoughts?" he asks.

"I'm scared, it's not gonna be good enough" I say looking bad down.

Regie moves to the dresser and puts down his phone.

"wanna de-stress a bit?"

"fuck, honestly that'll work" I say, laughing a little.

"lay down love" he says, I move back against the headboard and lay down, separating my legs.

Regie crawls in between my legs, moving so that my legs to on his shoulders.

Nestling his head, so that my thighs cover the sides of his face.

Then he attaches his lips to my cock.

"fuck fuck" I moan out immediately.

I'm still sensitive of when he fucked me 3 times before we sent it to the editor this morning.

He sucks and licks and fuck, I know why I love him even more everyday.

"I'm gonna cum" I tell him.

He groans around, my cock as I cum.

Truly and utterly spent.

"that was so good" I sigh as he sucks me clean.

Popping off like with a pop.

He moves to lay next to me, and I crawl into his arms.

"feeling better?" he asks.

"much" I say, and move soft cock now hardening against his leg.

"your turn" I say with a smile and move to attach myself to his cock.

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