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Three's a crowd? Doesn't work in threesomes

Oliver, Regie and Darren have a threesome.

3rd pov :

Darren always argued that he wasn't a bottom boy, but he really is one.

He sits in the middle of the bed.

Oliver and Regie on either sides of him.

"sooo, who's bottoming?"

He looks up and both Regie and Oliver are looking at him, like be fucking for real.

"Really?" Regie asks, and Oliver laughs.

"hey!! I could top if I wanted to" Darren says, defending himself.

"really, I seem to remember you almost running away when it seemed possible" Oliver says, hand moving to rub Darren's thigh.

"yea but.." Darren stutters.

"yea but no" Regie finishes.

"it was for content! That's why I couldn't"

"so is this" Oliver says.

"he's stalling" Regie says to Oliver.

"I am NOT!"

"are you nervous dar?" Oliver whispers in his ear, dropping kisses onto Darren's cheek.

"no I'm not" Darren breath hiches as Regie runs his tongue down Darren's neck.

Darren knows if he was standing up he'd have stop functioning.

Oliver moves to take off Darren boxer shorts.

His hand cupping Darren's cock.

Darren's eyes widened as he felt a finger enter his hole.

"relax" Regie says, pulling out his finger and rubbing his thumb around the rim.

His jaw went slack as Regie's finger sunk into him, and Oliver swiped his finger over the head of his cock and jerked.

"fuck, fuck" he cried out, back arched.

They both detach lips from his neck and cheek.

"definitely a bottom" Oliver snickers.

"I'm no-fuck" Darren moans as Oliver moves his hand faster.

Then Oliver moves down, heads at Darren's cock, tonguing around the crown of his cock head and into the slit.

Wrapping his lips around the head and sucking hard around the head, until he feels it hit the back of his throat.

Regie moves his his fingers deeper, using his other hand to wrap lightly around Darren's neck.

Oliver feels Darren's ball grow tighter and tighter.

Darren was making these cut off whimpers, teeth clench, body tense as he fought not to move.

"Oli, Reg" Darren whispered hoarse.

"fuck fuck I'm so close"

"please don't stop, please fuck"

All it took was one last rub on his rim for Darren to cum

He moaned loudly, as Oliver swallowed and Regie moved his hand away from Darren's neck.

"yall win" Darren groans out, spent.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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