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Summary :

Oliver and Regie start onlyfans, then they collab.

Oliver's pov :

They knew before we said anything, me and Regie filmed our collab about three times before we could even add it to the maybe pile.

Yes, three times we kept forgetting we're being filmed and did things, that we shouldn't do for content.

Like kissing each other way to much to just be "collabing", Regie kept leaving marks and calling me Filipino words. Im so used to hearing in our private relationship that I didn't realize noone else are supposed to hear it.

Today Regie wants to take a "extra one" just incase we missed some stuff in the first three videos.

We decided on not going all the way, I'd rather let people see us 69 than us fucking.

Just because we know if we put a video out just raw dogging.

The rest of the boys are staying at home and we're going to a airbnb so they don't have to hear anything or even see.

They're all really nosy and would probably forget we're shooting and just walk in.

I don't need another one of those happening.

We've already traumatized both Justin and Kane.

We don't need to traumatize the rest.

"ready to go?" Regie asks as he passes me.

"yu, coming" I shove my camera and phone into my bag.

Regie connects to the speaker as I pull out of the driveway.

When we arrive and get the key for the house.

Regie starts walking faster.

"dude come on" he calls.

I walk faster after him.


We both burst out in laughter.


We set up all our things in the main bedroom and put our bags in the 2nd bedroom we're actually going to sleep on.

Regie changes all the sheets into clean ones we bought so that'll be easier to clean up.

After that, we both take showers separately and put on just our matching pj pants.

Then we move to the main bedroom, we talk a little before we start the camera.

"no marks, no petnames and no please no Filipino pet names you know that shit gets me going" i remind him.

"you reminding me like you don't start shit too"

"i know but we gotta cut back on that a bit, we not fucking, or anything just a mutual exchange of hand jobs. Maybe some neck kisses and just enough"

"go start the camera" he says as he lays back down.

We've already spoken about what we're going to do and I just hope we actually get it right this time.

Regie lays down on his back head propped up by the pillow, I start the video then lay down next to him.

He looks at me and smiles as he pulls his dick out of his pants, I follow and do the same.

My eyes focused on his face, our eyes locked.

"fuck" he says as he squeezes lube onto his hand and pushes it to me.

We break eye contact as I open the lube and coat my hand, and dick.

We gravitate closer to each other, and Regie moves his non coated lube hand, to my waist and attaches his lips to my neck.

Without talking, we both put our hands on each other's dick.

"fuck, fuck" he moans out a I slowly move my up and down.

I softly groan in his ear, hoping that it isn't picked up by the mic.

Regie jumps away.

"put that camera off, please fuck" I laugh and move to stand up and shut off the camera, making sure to put the camera down on the lens side.

I jump back onto the bed and Regie joins me again.

"how the fuck are we going to finish this video if it feels like I'm going to combust when you groan" he says.

"that's a worry for another day" I say, as I attach my lips to his.

Eventually we did manage to get the video, although it took a couple more tries and way more self control.

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