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Instantly turning around, Amber knew what to expect and quickly put her arm up in front of her for Ritchie to leave a long scratch instead of a stab.

Even if it was planned, it still hurt like a bitch.

"Fuck!" Amber hissed, instinctively brought her hand up to her bloody forearm.

With her hand immediately being covered in her own blood, Amber brought her arms to 'block' and 'fight' Ritchie away.

"Y/n help me!" She yelled out, pushing and pretending to fight ghostface off. Ritchie had taken this as the sign to push Amber off and grab her arm to wordlessly tell her to get ready to fall. The next second Amber put an arm over her face and let herself get pulled and pushed to the door and pretended to knock out after breaking her fall with her arm.

Watching as Amber's body went limp after crashing into the wooden door, Y/n's eyes went wide as she looked up from Amber's body and up to ghostface.

Her heart raced like a thundering drum, each beat echoing in his ears. A surge of nervous adrenaline coursed through her veins, making every breath feel shallow yet intense. The world seemed to blur around her, as if time itself had accelerated, and a tingling sensation danced across her skin, leaving her acutely aware of the impending challenge...Y/n had to face ghostface alone.

Closing her eyes for a split second, Y/n immediately grabbed a scapel that was on the counter and threw herself forward towards the attacker and pushed their stomach and went to stab them.

If Amber haven't called dibs on Y/n Ritchie would've killed her right then and there....but it was all about self control, he thought to himself as he let out a frustrated grunt and brought his fist back to hit Y/n's freshly stitched hand.

The room echoed with the impact as Y/n winced in pain, feeling the stitches pull. The air grew tense, filled with a mixture of frustration and pain.

Y/n subconsciously reached out to her hand, but before she could Ritchie's had used the but of his knife to hit her temple twice and ultimately knock her out.

Amber held back from yelling at Ritchie at that second. He wasn't supposed to knock her out. Instead she just let out a small huff as she looked back just to see Tara wincing in pain as she pushed her wheelchair to go forward.

"Go for her." Amber whisper yelled as she pointed over to Tara. Ritchie rolled his eyes from inside the mask and kicked Y/n's ribs harshly before walking off and ignoring Amber's glare.

Turns out Amber wasn't the only one holding back screams. Tara had left the room as ghostface threw Y/n to the ground. She's rushed to find help to the best of her abilities....but all she found was a dead police officer.

"No, no, no, please no." Tara whispered out to herself as saw the officer laid out on the ground.

Ritchie was having a blast as he walked up to Taras wheelchair and tipped her over before throwing her wheelchair off to the side grabbed Tara's phone that showed Sam's contact calling.

meanwhile Amber had crawled her way to
Y/n and had pulled her into her arms

"Wake up, wake up Y/n." Amber whispered as she shook the girls shoulder and gently slapped her face....no movement.

"Dammit babe wake up!" She mumbled again in a slightly harsher tone. Amber ignored Tara's cries in the background and focused on shaking Y/n and even using her fingers to see if Y/n's eyes were responsive.

Amber felt her shakes becoming more aggressive by the minute as she tried to wake the unconscious girl up. Still to no avail...

"Fuck!" She groaned trying once again to slap the girls cheek to shock her awake or something.

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