Chapter 1

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present time~

Y/n's pov:

you would think 2 years into therapy I would be over what happened but here I am again staring up at my now 3rd therapist ceiling telling the same sap story I've told what feels to be a million times already. the room is silent right now she's just taking notes on my presence around her finally she speaks 

"alright Ms Aizawa start where ever your comfortable starting"

I sighed. 

Time skip to the past~

I always knew about villians I grew with a hero father how could I not, my mother died giving birth to me so I was always with him when he was working at the school but if he was on missions I'd stay with my uncle mic or auntie midnight. I just never thought in the process of me becoming a hero I would meet a villain as terrible as this one.

it was my first year at UA I was so excited to meet friends with the same goals as me. I've always loved helping people. when I first entered the class I took mental notes of a few things 

1. my dad passed out in the corner in his yellow sleeping bag

2.  a weird green haired boy writing notes and asking everyone their quirks 

3. an angry blonde haired asshole with his feet on the desk being yelled at by a nerd

the bell rang a few moments later and everyone sat down In their seats. 

A few months later~

The USJ...

A training camp that was suppose to make us better heros.. suppose to prepare us for real hero work. for some kids it actually did that, then there was my class. I was close friends with the Denki, Kiri and Mina. Mina was my bestfriend I could always count on her to be there whenever I needed her. but she was stuck doing some study thing cause her scores were low in training so I some how got paired with Bakugo for a scare game. we didn't know the camp was under attack at least not until...  we were attacked Bakugo was caught in one of those ball things I had never seen anything like it before Todoroki came Grabbed me behind him as Deku also arrived. I pushed Passed him something in me clicked I just had to save him even if it risked everything we all attacked the villians all at once, as I went to attack Dabi it felted like everything was slowed as I threw a punch he spoke..

"well aren't you a pretty little one mouse"

suddenly I was captured into one of the balls as well. I felt hopeless.

Todoroki tried to grab one of the balls but Dabi moved quickly. 

suddenly a portal opened behind Dabi he released one of the balls it was Tokoyami's he then released Mine and Bakugo's but he grabbed us by the necks. Bakugo was in so much shock to move but I wigged and squirmed as much as could but his grip was too strong he got closer to my ear 

"nice try mouse but your coming with me"

then it all went black.

*present time*

the therapist sat there. no words said. I could tell she was in shock my file obviously said what happened but it doesn't say all the hero stuff. 

when I looked over at her... her jaw was dropped.

"y-your a hero?"

I plainly giggled "unfortunately that's how i got in this mess"

her eyes widened.

"should I continue? or do I need to switch therapist again to be honest you've made it the furthest most of them stopped me after I said I was a student at UA I guess we have a rep for being severally traumatized" I giggled towards the end.

"n-no your all good please continue"

*timeskip to the past*

I woke up chained up to the floor Bakugo was chained to the wall with cuffs covering his hands so he couldn't use his quirk. My quirk was unknown to everyone excluding my dad due to the set-backs of my quirk. My quirk is what they call look based eye for an eye any pain inflicted to myself I inflict the same pain to the same person who did it to me but the set-backs are 

1. I have to be in pain

2. After to much Pain I pass out 

3. if i'm under emotional pain my quirk doesn't work

so yeah a fun quirk to have!

I could hear distant chatter coming from the other room, a high pitch girl who i'm assuming is Toga and what was clearly Shigiraki. the voices began to get closer as they approached us. 

"I see mousey mousey has awoken" Dabi said as he walked in 

Bakugo woke up as Dabi spoke. 

Shigiraki looked over "join us Bakugo or she gets to spend the night with the burnt one you decide what happens to your dear friend no are you a hero or are you a villain"

Bakugo's mouth was covered and he started panicking and trying to break out but it was no use.

"I see your choice was made. Dabi have at it"

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