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(Y/n)'s pov

"Ugh, my ...head...."I groaned waking up and sat up,I rubbed the grogginess out of my eyes and ....I couldn't make anything out,it was like I was looking through a telescope with a smudge up lense,just formless blobs moving around. "What... what's happening...why is everything so blurry..."
I felt my heart begin to beat faster and my breathing quicken when a larger blob took of most of my sight before I was suddenly engulfed in a large embrace.

"Oh (Y/n),you're awake!Thank god,thank god your okay!"


"Yes,yes it's me don't worry,your safe now it's okay"

"I-I can't s-see" I replied shakily

"I know,I know don't worry it'll only be for a while,you got hurt pretty bad but you made it!"

"Wh-ere are we?"

"Sigh,a food storehouse inside behind wall Maria,far away from the Titans.We're safe now"

"We're safe?" I asked again not fully convinced

"Safe" I felt the tension in my shoulder ease along with my heart and breathing.
I wrapped my arms around what felt like Scarlett's waist and rested my head against her chest.
Her steady heartbeat was soothing to hear.
We stayed like this for a while just keeping ahold of eachother as if the other would disappear if we let go.



"Where's Mum and Ma?" I asked and immediately felt Scarlett's entire body go stuff. "....Sis?"

"(Y/n).... What's the last thing you remember?"

"I ....I was in the marketplace when Arthur started acting weird,he was growling and barking in the direction of the wall when the sky changed color and
then that big Titan appeared and broke the silence wall" I explained trying to remember everything "Mom and Ma found me and we started running towards the boats when....Ma pushed me out of the way of a boulder...."

"Oh (Y/n)..."

"I was hoping that it was a dream" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry,(Y/n) I should been there"

"Scarlett? Where's Arthur? He was pulling on my dress after the rock.Where is he?"

"I-im sorry (Y/n),there wasn't enough.....I'm sorry (Y/n)!I panicked!I just....I just grabbed you and ran,I didn't....I didn't think....oh god..."

"No,no....Arthur no....."
I cried my heart out,louder than I ever had before.
My home,my family all gone within the matter if a few days and I didn't even know why it happened.
All I had left was Scarlett,I held onto as tight as I could afraid she would just disappear if I let go.

I spend the next few days bed ridden while my eyes....or rather eye healed.
But even when I did regain my sight it wasn't perfect,one eye really messed with how close or far away everything appeared and because of that I had smacked into quite a lot of things,or knocked over things or tripped on....you get the point.

Today Scarlett had headed out early leaving me on my own,so I got ready as best as I could from the change of clothes some of the kids had been given,I couldn't wear the same dress every day after all,and left for the marketplace as they would be giving out food at this time of day for the refugees.
I got through the crowds thankfully without incident and got my bread.
It was on the way back that I ran into issues....three issues to be exact.

When I got my bread I ran back as fast as I could to the storehouse but still not used to my new perception I ran right into a someone.
Knocking me backward onto my butt and him aswell only he landed on his face causing him to drop the price bread he had been holding.
"Ow,ow....oh no" I whispered to myself as I realised what happened.
The trio of boys must have been around my age but they were much bigger than me and there was three of them to boot.

"(Y/N),The Golden Blade Of Eldia" Aot harem X futa readerWhere stories live. Discover now