New New Beginning

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Beep beep beEP bEEP BEEP

"Jess I swear if you don't turn that off." My roommate Brittany groaned.

"Yea I got it." I say reaching over to my night stand to turn off the alarm. 

"What time is it?" Brittany asks. 

"5:30..." I groan, "You know we really need to talk to coach about early morning practices, I'm exhausted." I swing my legs over the bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes before standing up to my dresser. I open the drawer and pick out my practice uniform throwing it on over my underwear. I take my hair brush through it so that it's atleast presentable, then throw it up in a high ponytail. 

"C'mon Jessie we're going to be late!" Brittany says already waling out of our room.

"How the hell are you already ready..." I say slipping on some flipflops and grabbing my soccer bag. 

"Because I'm fast, now lets go! I don't want any more laps." She says hauling me out the door then locking it behind us. 

We make small talk as we make out way through Yale University's campus to the field. "So how's Ally?" She says winking at me. I roll my eyes but a blush does creep its way onto my cheeks. "Aww you're blushing! GOALS." She says putting her hands over her heart. 

"She's good, we're good. I can't wait to see her." I say smiling. 

"I hope that I find a relationship like yours. You're such a good girlfriend." I wink at her making her laugh and shake her head, "I don't want to be YOUR girlfriend, way to ruin the compliment." 

"You'll find one don't worry! It could be a girl or a guy ya never know." Yeah Brittany is bisexual, it was kind of awkward at first because I didn't want Ally to think I would cheat on her, but we quickly got over it. 

"Oh I forgot to tell you, apparently we're getting a new roommate soon. She just transferred here from Miami or something." She said as we approach the stadium, I can already here our team, they're so loud. How are they so hyper at this time in the morning? 

"Oh cool, hopefully she won't be weird like our last one." We both groan at the memory. Our last roommate was so homophobic, she even drew a line separating us from her so that she wouldn't catch the "gay disease". 

"Captain! You're late! Let's go!" Coach yells at me. I groan once again.

"Just think, it's soccer season. Which means it's almost summer." Brittany says with a cheer. 

"Yeah almost summer." Almost summer which I get to spend with my girlfriend, worry free. Hopefully.


"Alright! Good practice ladies, remember our first game is on Wednesday in two days time! Eat healthy! Brittany..." He says making the team laugh. Everyone knows that even though Brittany is rock solid and hella hot, she eats insane amounts of junk food. 

We do one last team cheer, then our team goes its separate ways. "So when do you think our new roommate gets in?" I ask trying to start a conversation to occupy us on our 15 minute walk back. 

"Umm I don't know. They said sometime in the next couple of days." I nod my head. "Question." 

"Shoot." I respond. 

"Have you had sex with Ally?" I spit out the water, and start choking. "Oh shit, are you ok." She asks concerned. I nod my head taking a deep breath in, trying to clear my airways. 

"Yeah, sorry the question just caught me off guard... No we haven't had sex. We've come pretty close though." 

"What do you mean close?" She asks confused.

"Well there were a couple times where someone walks in on us. Most of the time its Lauren or Dinah, but sometimes it's my sister." I say blushing at the memory. 

"Your sister? Ohhh that must have been awkward." She says. 

"It was, but if anyone else walked in on us they wouldn't let it be for like a week. My sister would just not talk to me for a bit because its "awkward"." I say using air quotations. 

She nods, "Wait how many times have you tried to?" 

"Full of questions are we?" I say teasing her, "Well I am 18 and we've been dating for like three to four years, you figure it out." 

"Makes sense. Well I hope you get lucky soon!" She says winking at me. I laugh and shake my head as we walk up the steps to our door. She puts the key in and opens the door... and we see a person. 

"Umm hi?" Brittany asks.

"Hi! Sorry I just got in. I'm Jamie, your new roommate." She's in already? 

"Oh hey girl! I'm Brittany and this is Jessie." Brittany introduces us. 

"Hey." She shakes both of our hands. "I'm assuming this bed is mine?" She says gesturing to the bed across from Brittany and I's. Our beds are each against a wall in the square room, excluding the wall where the door is. 

"Yup! So we hear you were from Miami?" I asks starting up a conversation with our new roommate. 

"Yeah the 305." She says making weird gangster sign making us laugh. She seems cool. "Umm so I have to ask you something before I continue unpacking." She says awkwardly. 

"Shoot." Brittany beats me to it. 

"I'm gay. Can I still room with you guys?" She asks shyly. 

Brittany and I both look at each other and burst out laughing. 

While Brittany and I are laughing, Jamie kind of awkwardly chuckles confused. 

"Girl, we're both gay! Well Brittany is bi, but same thing." I say smiling at our new roommate. 

"Oh thank god." She says fake wiping the sweat off her forehead. 

"So do you play any sports Jamie?" I ask keeping the conversation going.

"Yeah I play softball."

"Hey just like Lauren." Brittany points out. 

"Lauren Jauregui?" Jamie asks. 

"Yeah, do you know her?" I ask confused. I shouldn't be considering they're dominating all the charts. 

"Yeah. She's my sister." 





YA'LL. It's a sequel!!! Lauren's pov. will be out soon! But what do you think? Sorry I kinda have an attachment to The Long Lost Sister and I can't seem to let it go, and I know a bunch of you guys wanted a sequel... SO HERE WE ARE. Thoughts in the comments pleaseeee! Love you all :)


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