Trouble at Wayne Manor

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Nightwing and Robin grapple down to see Slade on the floor with Batman standing by him 

Nightwing and Robin grapple down to see Slade on the floor with Batman standing by him 

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Nightwing: Nice work. 

Batman: Is Penguin secured. 

Robin: Wrapped like a bird in a caged. 

Batman: Good. 


Tiffany's voice yelling in Batman's line made him open the visual screen on his gauntlet 

Tiffany's voice yelling in Batman's line made him open the visual screen on his gauntlet 

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Batman: Tiffany what is it? 

The Joker. I've found him he's holding everyone at Wayne Manor hostage there. And there's more. Selina escaped custody and she busted Harley Quinn and an unknown inmate out of Arkham Asylum. 

Batman: SHE WHAT?! 

Guess she's either lost it more or she's using Harley to get to the Joker to save her friend from what you mentioned earlier. Bruce what should I do? What should I have Iman---

Batman: Let me worry about that. Joker will not win. I won't let him. I'm not even letting Selina cross this line. We're heading to Wayne Manor now. Meantime send the GCPD to the address I just sent you. Both Deathstroke and the Penguin have been apprehended.


The communication cuts off and Batman turns to both boy wonders 

The communication cuts off and Batman turns to both boy wonders 

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