1: first meet maybe not first 😏

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Let's start


A beautiful boy thinking again that it his decision is right to engaged with bogum it's seems not right after meeting someone who treat him so well and this unwanted feeling he felt when he is with him and he want to feel this feeling forever he think six months before he take right decision that's why right now he thinking to break up with bogum because he is not right person to him maybe he found his mr.prefect for him self .

Author pov
( the boy who only wish to be with bogum lifetime now thinking to break up with him , whom he meet six months before whom he loving now )

Any idea who is the person ???

Six months before

A boy deny his fiance that why he need to do job when his parents left money for him so why he need this to do job

Bogum: taehyung listen to me see I know your parents left money for you but think about it mom is telling right one day your all money will finish only this hunted house left and we all living here so when money will finish so what we do then we can't see sold that house right to fill our empty stomach and what's wrong if you start doing job it's help us in future and you know how much i  study hard to secure my career and when i start doing job then i can handle everything don't you do this much to me huh i am your fiance and I don't see any problem there they give such a high salary ( said yelling )

Taehyung: slightly nod

And once again kim taehyung being a puppet to bogum and his mother and he agree to fulfil theirs needs like he does for months now

Taehyung: (left from to his own room )
Thinking did I do right to agree with bogum after knowing how greedy aunt soo min  is , ahhh forgot it tae and prepare yourself for interview i hope they select me if they don't select me then bogum think I do this intentionally and i don't want him to angry on me let's sleep now tae you have to wake up early.

( tae laid on bed and immediately fall sleep due to tiredness )


Someone who watch all this drama through the CC TV

**** : I know very well baby they make you to agree this fu*king greedy mother &son is but no need to feel sad because you  are coming to hubby darling finally I am gonna meet  you mine love (said creeply to the laptop screen )

Next morning

Tae wake up and do his morning routine and get ready to go to office he come down stairs to only meet fuming  soo min 

  Soo min : ohh madam you wake up it's not your sleep disturb  that you wake huh why are you waking up so late don't you know you have to go for interview ( said angrily)

Tae : but aunt i wake up on time and I am just gonna leave for office

Soo min:  ( looking angrily to tae and said ) huh now you start showing your bitchy attitude to me don't forgot i am bogum mother so better to respect me bitch now whatt go from here and want to stand here whole day huh .

Tae  eye's brimmed with tears after listening soo min harsh words toward his character but tae  harshly wipe his tears and leave the house for  JEON COMPANY


After reaching company  I was stunned to look how elegant the office is I go inside toward the receptionist and asked her

Jeon company

TAE : hello I come here for personal assistant interview can you please tell me where interview held is ??( said sweetly )

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TAE : hello I come here for personal assistant interview can you please tell me where interview held is ??
( said sweetly )

Receptionist: hii , ohh this way is elavtor 
and  go to 13 floor there interview held and hah Sir himself gonna take interview so best of luck

Tae smile sweetly and said thank you to receptionist and left to reach 13 floor

After 30 minutes

Tae waiting for CEO to arrived so interview will start

Tae:  how can CEO will be so irresponsible toward his work ( said cutely )

But tae was shock to here a voice coming from his behind

Jungkook: ahm sorry miss for coming late .

First part end here if you like this FF please vote my book

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Je t'aime 💜💚

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