5 : unknown feeling 👀

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Hiiii guy's I'm your author ALIFA thanks for your vote and comments i really appreciate your vote and comment and yeah silent reader atleast vote on my story guy's please 🥺

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Let continue ~

Tae : hm excuse me sir ( said politely)

Driver : yes mam ( look tae side and turn his head to focus on driving)

Tae : no one I mean no one said me that you will come pick up me ( said confusedly )

Driver : oh mam every high position of jjk enterprises has their personal driver& car so they can arrive easily without any problems and do their best for company too ( said politely)

Tae : ohh thanks ( in mind : ohh that's why the driver comes to pick me up on my house ohh)

Driver : mam we arrive ( said with soft smile )

Tae : ohh thanks sir ( get out of the car )

Tae goes to company because she is now late and don't want to listen scold from boss to so without thinking twice she start to running to elevator direction and everyone look at tae direction because running in jjk enterprises is biggest NO because they all aware of double bunny and here tae without minding everyone looking at her

Now she finally reached to elevator but before she step in the elevator someone called her turn to that direction on to see jk looking her

Jk : hm tae good morning ( said third time because someone goes to tata land after seeing such a hot & handsome man and after seeing tae don't even blinks her eye's jk feel butterflies in his stomach but can't figure it out what his happening in his tummy )

Tae after good second of checking jk facial features come out to his tata land

Tae : ohhh sorry Jungkook i hmm i ( trying to find some suitable excuse)

But jk understand his baby little problem so being a whipped bunny

Jk : it's ok atleast greets me back too ( said teasingly)

Tae :oh ha good morning to you too Jungkook

Jk : ( nod his head ) so let's go this direction

Tae: why ??

Jk : because this way was my personal elevator so you are my personal assistant so I don't you to use common elevator and being late ( trying to use more suitable word's to make his baby understand he is talking like a professionalism so without any questions his baby start using jk personal elevator so no one can touch his baby in elevator) possesive bunny

Tae nod and start following jk

Reached jk personal elevator and both goes in stand don't know how to kill this silence so tae keep her mouth close but jk can do this right because he can kill human and silence too

Jk : so tae you don't any problem to come with driver nah

Tae : no no by the way thanks for the driver I get here really fast and he drive very nicely ( said with small smile but who gonna tell tae she can't appreciate anyone infront of jk who was start burning of jelly )

Jk :ohh nice to here that ( but deep down he is gritting his teeth to kill that driver too )

Finally the arrived in jk cabin

When they step in cabin finally jk saw tae has bruises because when he see in mobile so he see tae don't have any bruises but he knows bogum push her and hold her hand tight but don't see any bruises that time and know bunny is mental because his tata is hurts

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