7 : Gentlemen 💚

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Grammatical mistakes be aware... Hehehe

Let's continue ~

Jk put tae down and said to the kid's

Jk : see I say na your didi is feather so  I won right

Girl's start shouting: yaaa we know that jijaji will win this yaaaaaa Aarav looser
( Said teasingly)

Aarav look tae and than his sister and look down taekook notice this

Tae : you know aarav what

Aarav : what didi

Tae bend down to whisper to aarav

Tae : i let your jijaji to win because if he didn't win than your sister's will feel sad and I know aarav is good brother so he can't see his sister's sad that's why

Aarav : ohh didi you are right i don't like to see my sister's sad face  I hate it .

Jk look tae and mouth her : did you explain him

Tae look jk and nod that yeah she explained him so he doesn't feel low

Jk : so kid's let's go

Tae look jk confusingly

Jk : tae let's go we don't have much time and it take us 35 mins to reach there

Tae : huh kook where are we going now

Jk : orphan tae to let's this children's to stay there because we can't let them stay homeless and hungry

Tae literally impress how beautiful JUNGKOOK is like he is totally GENTLEMEN

After sometimes latter ~

They reached OUR SUNSHINE orphan

They reached OUR SUNSHINE orphan

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Isha : ohhh wow it's so big

Aarav : it was the place you are talking jijaji

Jk : yes aarav this is the place I'm telling you guy's let's go  kiddo meet the  head lady

They all goes to head lady cabin

They reach infront of her cabin jk knock

Head lady : come in

Jk : hello *small smile*

Head lady stood up and hug jk who gladly back hug her and tae and kid's look at them fondly

Head lady : so what's bring you here ha

Jk : actually meet them * turn to tae and kid's * kid's come here

Kid's: hello said together

Head lady : ohhh know i understand what's bring you here ok let start than prosess* she goes to her desk sit there and take a registered book to write their names and anything to related to their parents..

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