Chapter 15: The Blazing Troubles Of Fargoth

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(Note: the dragons speak like this since they are powerful creatures with profound voices but this doesnt mean that they are evil, just a little head up)

We enter the place only to be receive by a roar and a voice saying 

"WHO DARES TO ENTER FARGOTH'S DEN????!!!!" said the one and only Fargoth

"We come from Algaroth City seeking for the one who calls for the Wizard Knights help" said Tanker

"Oh yeah, sorry its been a heck of a day" said Fargoth

One sentence: I'm terrified, the Dragons are weirdly more terrifying that all those books describe like they forgot to mention the sharp horns and the 8.5 ft height of the creatures but aside of that they are basically exactly like they supposed to be, giant lizards with wings with also breathing and shooting fire with but this one has a very weird trait: a tattoo of a dragon doing the yin and yang pose.

"So, you are the new Wizard Knight?" said Fargoth circulating me and observing me 

"Ye-Yeah, and how do you know about the Wizard Knights?" I said

"The Dragons and Wizards have been in a alliance since "The Great War of Magic", the Wizards swore with their lives to protect the 5 lands, which also, I recall, includes my kingdom with the help of The Dracators and the Wizard Knight himself" said Fargoth

"D-D-Dracators???" I said whispering to Tanker

"Dragon Warriors" said Tanker whispering

"Now the old Wizard Knight has fallen, bless his soul, but the alliance is still on so I summon you here in order to know who is the new Wizard Knight" said Fargoth

"That would be me, Artemis Mythical" I said certain and proud of my words

"A teenage boy, ridiculous but I gotta admit it's not the worst candidate that has ever been for the Wizard Knight" said Fargoth

"What does he mean by that?" I said

"Well, your not the first Wizard Knight, as you might know, and from the 5 persons that were choose to be Wizard Knights, you are the most young one in the job" said Tanker

"Wait a minute, 5 people, Why are there only 5 people who were chosen to be Wizard Knights, if you say the job has existed for a lot of years?" said Ali

"Well, you see, The Augurium Kingdom hasn't got any life threatening problems since the GWM , and also since the legacy has been given to the right people because of the enchantment of the sword: "The right people, never a mistake" said Tanker'

"So, your saying that I was chosen for a reason" I said

"Yes, a reason that I can't wait to see what it is" said Tanker proud

"Enough of this, Artemis Mythical, I summon you so I can see how good are you protecting and serving as the Wizard Knight" said Fargoth

"How are you supposed to do that?" said Eddie with amazement in his eyes

"Part of our clan its divided between those who are not very confident that a human will protect us who are lead by a dragon who was protege: Harvilion Dracox, we been in battle ever since a few weeks ago, your mission is to help us to win this battle in some way that doesn't affect our clans, I way be a filthy Dragon but I will protect and guide my people until the very end" said Fargoth

"Okay, I will help you but answer me this question: Why are there green trees in lava and fire island?" I said

"Well because of this" said Fargoth

Then out of nowhere he transforms from a fire breathing dragon to a middle aged adult with the tattoo as a necklace and with clothes that resemble a king and a warrior. From the silence of the moment I hear a giant noise and when I see in the back, Eddie was knocked out smiling

"I guess he didn't handle the fire" said Ali

"Your friend needs help" said Fargoth

"A lot of help" I said

Minutes Later:

"Alright, everyone knows what to do: in the moment they attack, distract them enough so i can get to the other side an their leader and stop him once and for all but since the village is also priority, Eddie and Ali will stay to defend while I get with the Dracators to Harvilion's Den" I said

"Wait a minute Sensei, How am I supposed to defend the village?, I don't even have a weapon" said Eddie 

"That can be resolved" said Fargoth

Fargoth roar loudly and suddenly a secret passage open and we see a lot of dragon weapons

"Pick a weapon and honor it with the honor of our ancestors" said Fargoth

Eddie started to search a weapon to his liking until he found it: a black and orange war hammer with the symbol that Fragoth has and when he take it the artifact set himself on fire and Eddie has starstruck eyes and then say proudly:

"Let's take this for test run"

While Ali was just using an armor and I say

"Are you going to be okay?" 

"I never fight in my life, Artemis, but that doesnt mean that I cant protect them, by the way, I not goona die before having a girlfriend" said Ali

"HA HA HA, All right just be careful" I said being worry, yes I have feelings, let me alone 

"Claro, guerrero" said Ali

Then, one of the Dracators came to the room and say

"Harvilion Forces are coming to the village"

"Okay, time to put this battle to end" I said

I take out my staff and hit it hard on the ground so its magic can surround me and transform me with the outfit that I used to battle Dielegard and so with all of this and with Tanker going to be the leader of the Dracators so they can march to glory, so now we direct our attention to the upcoming battle

"May the ancestors guide you on this victory" said Tanker 

To Be Continue....


"Dont worry Loki, the bts segments are not gonna be forever" i said 

"Really???" said Loki

"Yep, its getting tired of writing these things but its not forever. I still dont know when it will finish but is not right now" I said 

"Okay, escritor loco, fire away

"Today Bts: Why the author/me wants to write storys?:

Storys reflect that the imposible can become posible if you work hard and do your best. As for me, I only want entertain people and let them forget, only for a little time, the bad times, and enjoy it. Maybe people readi it, maybe they dont but that will never stop me"

"You know, I almost shed a tear" said Loki

"Really???" I said 

"No, also do you know that actually your earth is round?" said Loki

"Y eso me lo busco por prestarte el internet, Until Next Time!!!" I said

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