Something Bad is About to Happen to Me.

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Chapter 1

"Something Bad is About to Happen to Me"

3erd person POV

It was well past 10pm and Y/N still hadn't made it to her apartment. Even two cups of coffee couldn't soothe her tiredness. Even though so far it hadn't helped, she grabbed her second cup of coffee and took a sip.

As she placed the cup down a feeling of relief rushed through her. Her eyes locked on a large sign with big bold letters stating WELCOME TO TUSCALOOSA ALABAMA. Her eyes burned into the sign, as she felt a new determination to make it to her new home.

Her eyes jolted back to the road as her car swerved to the right. Her grip quickly tightened on the steering wheel. She used as much strength as she could to not drive off the road.

Finally her muscles relaxed as she fell back into the correct lines. She took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead.

Her mind jolted again as she passed the sign. Her muscles tightened again, and a horrible feeling rushed over her. She looked back up to the interior mirror like it was her last chance to escape a horrible fate.

'Don't be silly Y/N.' She told herself. 'All those stories are made up–plus no town is perfect, someone is bound to get hurt.' She smiled and continued driving through the city.

She pulled down a rural looking road. Dim lights lit the roads. The moon lit the road better than the street lights.

She took another turn towards a cluster of many buildings. She passed cute little houses, and a few mom and pop style restaurants.

Eventually she pulled into a parking lot deserted for the rest of the buildings. The apartments pointed directly to a giant forest of trees. Y/N hopped out of her car and grabbed her bag of essentials. She threw it over her shoulder.

A few yards away a man in a white mask hid behind a bush. The smell of cigarettes permanently stained his skin. He grumbled at the absence of his 'partner', but his attention was instantly caught on the H/C haired woman hauling a suitcase up some stairs.

'Finally.' He thought. He had waited all night for the brave new civilian of the dreaded 'slenderman' town. He flipped his head around when he heard a tree branch snap.

Y/N's head also turned to the sudden noise.

In the dark hidden behind many trees stood another man. He was holding two hatchets, his gaze sent the poor girl trying to get into her new home, into a daze.

Eventually her body was able to move again and she quickly made her way up the stairs.

She went from each door, looking up at the numbers labeling each apartment. Eventually she stopped at 28A and opened the door.

She closed the door behind her and let out a long sigh. She shook off the nerve of seeing a crazed looking man staring at her in the woods.

'He's just a weird kid.' She retorted in her mind. 'Maybe he wasn't even there–yeah he was just a part of my imagination.'

She walked into the only bedroom the apartment had. Inside there was a smelly old mattress. She immediately backtracked, and decided it would be best to sleep in the living room.

She grabbed a pillow and blanket from her suitcase and laid them on the floor. 'This will have to do." She laid down on the ground and snuggled into the blanket.

Suddenly the coffee had set in. She laid wide awake. Every noise made her wish she had her moms arms to sink into. Her thoughts stayed on the man in the woods. Was he really a figment of her imagination, or some left out teen? Or was he someone patiently waiting for a helpless victim.

Had the stories of this place really been true? Was it a land cursed with a tall, slender, vengeful terrestrial. Were there really people who had been possessed and made to do his own bidding?

Was there a deeper reason to TUSCALOOSA ALABAMA holding the title for worst place to raise a family?

Y/N hopped up from her makeshift bed and walked to the window. Her eyes bore into the forest. She searched everywhere for the man. Her eyes flickered side to side looking for anyone suspicious.

Her breath steadied when she saw that no one was hiding in the woods.

She cursed at herself for falling for such childish theories and rumors. Her feet dragged as she walked back to her pillow and basket. She crawled back under the covers and after what felt like hours of mindlessly wandering through her imagination she fell asleep.

The H/C haired girl dodged tree after tree as she ran. Her legs were just a few steps from giving out and making her fall to the floor.

She ducked behind a tree, and folded over. She rested on the tree, her hands rested on her knees to keep her from sliding to the floor.

She hadn't yet figured out what she was running from. All she knew is she had to run, if she didn't who knew what could happen to her. She tried her best to catch her breath. Sweat ran down her forehead to her cheek.

"What are you running from?"

Y/N jumped, and fell backwards. She looked up to see what was in front of her. Her eyes slowly looked up–first she saw a gray-ish pink dress. Her eyes finally meet a young girl's eyes.

The older woman's hand slowly clasped over her mouth as she stared at the girl in front of her. "What happened to you?" The young girl's head tilted. "What do you mean? I was always like this." Y/N slowly raised her hand to point at the girl's bashed in head.

She stood up and walked over to the girl who looked no over 12. "Who did this to you?" The young girl chuckled. "Uncle Jhonny did silly."

"I don't know who Uncle Johnny is." The girl's face twisted, and a un-human smirk formed over her face. "That doesn't matter." Y/N's hand shook, as she tried thinking of a plan to get away from whatever was in front of her.

She twisted her feet and started turning her body. "Wait.." Y/N's body froze. "You have to play with me." Y/N's eyes widened and her flight or fight response kicked in as laughter filled the air.

She started running as fast as she possibly could. Her body was full of adrenaline. It sounded like footsteps were coming from all sides of her.

Everything rushed past her as she continued running. She let a sob out as she tripped over a log and fell to the floor. She curled up into a ball, and hugged herself.

Calm steps walked up to her.

"Where do you think you're going? New friend."

Y/N shot up. Immediately she regretted sleeping on the ground. Sunlight flooded in through the room from the window. She lifted her arms above her head and started stretching.

She recalled back to her dream, and felt a chill run down her spine as she remembered the girl's face.

She looked back down at her blanket and started uncovering herself. She lifted a brow in confusion when a piece of paper fell from her blanket.

She picked it up and unfolded it. Her heart sank when she saw what was written inside it.

"You better keep your doors locked."

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