Lotta True Crime.

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Chapter 4

"Lotta True Crime."

Y/N sat in her living room. Rain pounded on her windows, as thunder rumbled in the distance. She was brought back to Toby and his words.

"Have you heard of the operator?" At the time she hadn't, but after countless hours of research she learned of him and his other name, the slenderman.

"He makes us kill people." When Toby said that she couldn't help but laugh, but now she stared at a website deep diving on all of Tuscaloosa Alabama's missing people. More than 90 percent of the missing people were eleven or younger.

"He wants us to kill you." Remembering his words made her shiver, she at first thought this whole thing was a joke.

"Either you help me, or I kill you. You chose." Y/N didn't have time to process his words as rude, all she could think about was her life. She was trying to make the world a better place–how could she do that if she's dead?

Y/N's head snapped to her kitchen doorway as Toby walked out. "Have you made a decision yet?" He held crackers that he found in her kitchen. She took a deep breath. "How do I help you?" He smirked. "The operator says you're a threat to him." She tilted her head. "How so?" He shrugged and shoved a cracker in his mouth.

"So? Are you going to die today?" Y/N's heart rate picked up, she didn't want to believe the man standing in front of her could kill her, but the blood stained hatchets on his back told her otherwise.

"No. I won't die for a long time." He laughed. "Okay- whatever you say." Y/N felt a tinge of anger rush through her. She snatched the crackers from his hands. "Shouldn't you get back to your 'master'?" He glared down at her. "He's not my 'master'."

They stared at each other, neither of them were blinking. It felt like a staring contest. Eventually he broke eye contact. "I do have to leave."

With that he walked out of the house.

Y/N woke up the next day to her phone blaring its ringtone. She grabbed the phone and answered the phone. "Hello? Miss.L/N?" Y/N perked up at her last name. "Yes, that's me." On the other end of the phone there was a sniffle. "I'm well aware. I'm the county sheriff." Y/N stiffened. "Hello, sheriff." Commotion could be heard through the phone. People running back and forth, she could even hear a woman lecturing another person. "We understand that this is last minute, but we're going to ask you to come down to the department." Y/N's throat got dry, and sore. "Of course!" She stumbled over her words, and she nearly screamed into the phone.

After a long text chain with her boss, and attempting to look even a little presentable, Y/N was able to start driving to the police department. Eventually she stood in front of the police department. Her hands shook as she lifted them to the door and shoved it open.

On the outside the police department didn't seem that bad, but on the inside there were people running around everywhere. Papers were thrown on the floor, and there were people constantly bumping into one another.

Y/N walked over to seemingly the only calm person in the room. A young man typing on his computer gave Y/N directions to a small, gray, room. She was instructed to sit down in one of the foldable chairs, and she listened.

After almost an hour of waiting, a tall, brute man walked in through the doors. "Hello Ms.Y/N, I suppose you already know who I am." Truthfully Y/N had no idea who this man was–in fact she would expect someone who looks like him to come out of a movie. "I do not." He pulled out the other chair, but remained standing.

"I'm Seth, the detective." He studied Y/N's every movement. "I'm going to need you to tell me the exact details of what happened yesterday evening." He rested his hands on the table.

Y/N nodded and told him every detail.

Forthy five minutes later Y/N had finished telling Seth every single detail of finding the bodies of Miss.Mazzi, and Mr.Mazzi. She talked about their blue-ish green skin. She talked about how they were both carefully hidden under the bed–she told him about the bedroom being spotless compared to the rest of the house being drenched in blood.

He jotted down every single thing she said. Soon he came to a question she was not expecting. "Why did you run into the house when our first responder told you not to–were you hiding something?" Her eyebrows furrowed at the question. "No- of course not, I was trying to find Venna."

He nodded, then grabbed a small baggie from his pocket. "We found this at the crime scene." He carefully placed it on the table, and pushed it towards Y/N. She stared at the small baggie, inside there was a cigarette. "Y/N have you ever smoked?"

She looked back up to Seth- who was now sitting. "No, never." He nodded once again, and grabbed the baggie on the table.

Finally he spoke up again. "I believe you Y/N. There's nothing against you, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down. Horrible things happen in this town." Y/N looked at him, her eyes widened a little. 'What's that supposed to mean?' She thought.

"We're done here, I'll see you around." Y/N nodded and got up.

Y/N's ride was quite–too quiet for her liking. If she focused hard enough, static would fill her mind, and she would finally relax a little.

Soon Y/N pulled into another parking lot. This time she stood outside of her work place. For the first time in the two weeks of living in the small town Y/N dreaded going to work. All she wanted to do was go back home and lay down.

She rubbed her forehead and started walking into her work. On her way to her office she said a quick hi to lacy, who waved back in response. Suddenly Y/N was washed over with a new wave of tiredness. She sluggishly walked to her office, occasionally rubbing her eyes to keep them from drooping.

Y/N stared in confusion at her office door that was creaked open a few inches, even though she could have sworn she locked it in her rush yesterday. She pushed the door open, and it slowly revealed the nightmare in front of her.

She surely got the wake up call that she needed. Her hands came up to her face, and cupped her cheeks. She stared in horror from the state of her room.

Lacy walked by, her arms wrapped around a stack of papers. She looked in the room, and nearly dropped her papers. "What happened here?" She starred in as much shock as Y/N. "I- I'm not sure." Y/N's hands fell to her side, like she was already defeated for the day.

Lacy placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder to comfort her. "It's going to be okay, we'll get this figured out." Y/N sighed and smiled at Lacy.

"You're right."

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