Chapter 9: Welcome to the Festival

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I was walking with Monika to the festival. She was nervous, but I was holding her hand. She was procrastinating and walking slowly on purpose.

L: Mon, it's gonna be okay. Don't stress it.

M: I am stressing it. Having to face not only the club in a minute, but also the whole school, all full of people that hate me. It's really stressing me out.

L: I'll take the lead if it makes it easier.

M: Would you? Because that would really help. We've gotta meet as a club to talk about the plan for today. I'll do that.

I felt Monika grip tighter to my hand in gratitude. She didn't stop holding it the whole way, even while we walked into school which made me blush a little. We walked up to the clubroom and that's when she let go.

L: You okay?

M: I think so. You go first.

L: Follow behind me.

She did just that as I opened the door. There were smiles as I entered, but they all turned to scowls. I heard murmurs and whispers between all three club members.

S: What's she doing here?

N: I dunno, but why is Lykan still friends with her.

L: Okay everyone! Listen up.

Everyone turned to me in confusion. That was Monikas phrase and I stole it.

L: I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. We have a festival to run. And it's gonna take all of us. Including Monika.

I heard groans from the three.

L: So we're just gonna give this everything. I'm gonna get Monika to give me a run through of the plan and then we can get this show on the road. Any questions?

All three hands shot up so I asked my sister first.

Y: Why is Monika here?

I looked at her disappointedly.

L: Sis, keep it about the festival.

Everyone else's hands dropped.

N: If she's here, I'm not.

Natsuki began walking to the door.

S: Second that.

Sayori followed.

L: Both of you sit the fuck down.

There was a shock and audible gasp from everybody in the room. But it got the job done. The two sat back down.

L: Monika, go take a seat too. There's something I need to confess.

Monika went and sat at my seat at the club as I sat down on the front desk.

I took a deep breath and composed myself. I was about to tell them all something I'd never told anyone before. Something I've kept repressed for so long in so many ways.

L: I understand the situation. I really do. You all hate her. You all really don't like her actions. Truth is, I cheated on my first two girlfriends. Manipulated them both into thinking everything was okay.

Sayori stood up enraged.


I glared at her.

L: Sit back down, I'm not finished.

She did so, I took a deep breath because this next bit was really hard to do.

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