Being his assistant

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It's already 8a.m.
Joojin : good morning sir
Jin:when  you came?
Joojin : 7.30, I thought if you come earlier and dont find me it will be bad impression on first day.
Jin: hmm..well if you do well today I'll let you continue.
Joojin : nae (yes) btw what should I do now?
Jin: well these are some papers add their numbers and write on the sheet.
Joojin : ahh Isn't it the paper we gave tomorrow?
Jin : yes..
Joojin : ahhheehe😅did we do well?
Jin: so talkative! You'll see when You'll add number.
......few time later
Joojin : I failed 😮‍💨
Jin: that's why I tell you not to do stupidity and focus on studies.
Joojin : what stupidity I did?
Jin: running after me.
Joojin : so mean I don’t run after you.anyway most of students failed not only me. Jungkook too.
Jin: he is more stupid than you.
Joojin if you have done this then take these and my book to the class, its already 8.50, class will start soon.I'm coming.

Lisa : hows your work going?
Joojin : good but we failed.
(Jk was listening from behind)
Jk: hahaha..stupids always fails🤣
Joojin : you too failed.
Jk:  ........
Lisa: that means you are stupid too🤣
Jk: whatever, how did you know that we failed?
Joojin : cuz i'm his TA😏

Jin: attention class, you guys have miserably failed in this xm so you guys need to focus more.
Student 1: sir how can we focus when teacher is like this...(seductively)
Jin: do I look like someone whom can you flirt respectful towards professor. I'm telling this to every students. Understood?

Lisa (whispering) : see he will not be impressed by you.
Joojin : whae?
Lisa: didn’t you heard what he said? He will never date any student I bet,and you are too young for him.
Joojin: atleast I'll try so that I'll not regret, I really like him,I'm not a silly seducer like her😔
Lisa: arasso arasso (ok ok)

....jin: miss lee and her friend get up! What you guys were talking?
Lisa: sirr actually.. Ahh mhmm
Joojin : It's something girlish talk we cant say you.

Whole class laughed
Jin: miss lee am I look like a joker to you?just because I'm kind towards you all it doesn’t mean You'll do whatever you want...

Everyone got silent

Jin: todays class is dismissed.

Joojin pov
Oh shit! i ruined it, now he'll be angry and dont allow me to continue, I must follow him.

Joojin : sir sir sir..
Jin: what now?
Joojin : sir your diary.. You left
Before she could complete he takes it and ignored her.
Joojin : sir sorry..
Jin: I'm not in a mood of hearing your nonsense talks, so please you better go for your class, don’t bother me atleast for now.
Joojin : ok😔

......time skip.....
Jk: I know hyung you are upset because of my result but I'm not interested in these studies, I Wanna be an idol.
Jin: but we Can't go Against our Grandpa.
Jk: You'll never understand!
Jin's pov : You'll not understand me.
Jk was heading outside then joojin comes
Jk: huh you Were literary hearing our conversation?!
Joojin : no I didn’t mean to
Jk: you...
Jin: jungkook!!  Go from here now.
( He leaves)
Joojin : sir..
Jin: don't talk about it with anyone
Joojin : hmm but you should let him whatever he wants to be,if he can't even try for his dream he'll regret all life.
Jin: .......
Joojin : being idol is not bad though, Don't you want him to be happy? 
Jin : what if he fails? My dad failed in this way...
Joojin : atleast he'll not regret and will not blame you for this,maybe in future he will regret and say that you didn’t let him
Jin: huhh...miss lee its not easy for me,You'll not understand.
Joojin : I'll understand just tell me,I'll help you in any situation.

There was a pin drop silence for a while.
Jin: let me drop you.lets go.

Joojin follows him like a lost child.

In car

Jin: joojin..
Joojin : hmm
Jin : do you want to tell something?
Joojin : actually I've no right to ask but..jungkook..
Jin : I've lost my parents when I was 15 and kookie was 5 and from than my grandfather raised us, he didnt want us to become like my father, who left house for singing and my mother.

Joojin pov
His eye gets glisten and I didn’t know what to do, so I hugged him,I didn’t know why I did it? But did I messed up? Umm maybe...but I suddenly  I felt pair of his arms around me

Jin: thanks.
Joojin : but I didn’t do anything.
Jin: you did,but you dont know.
Then he breaks the hug.
Joojin : anyway always listen to your heart😊
Jin: hmm
Joojin : now can I ask something?  Actually I suddenly remembered
Jin: what?
Joojin : umm am I hired?
Jin: actually I forgot that you are a pabo cuz you were pretending to be so mature a while ago..
Joojin :that's offensive 😑
Jin: YOU are hired pabo!!

Joojin pov

Ahh I wish I could get hired in your heart😩.

....  Author note: I'm using short forms like tae and jk cuz i'm lazy to use full words anyways I found this pic today, what a edit!wwh forever, he looks awesome 😩😩💜💜ayy my hearteu

  Author note: I'm using short forms like tae and jk cuz i'm lazy to use full words anyways I found this pic today, what a edit!wwh forever, he looks awesome 😩😩💜💜ayy my hearteu

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