married couples

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Jin: so are you ready for punishment?
Joojin : what punishment? What have I done?
Jin: you locked your husband on his first night of marriage life, so you deserve it.
Joojin's pov
By saying his last word he put his chin on my shoulder, I Could feel his warm breath against my skin.then he started to unzip my gowns chain and plants wet kisses..
Joojin: jin.. Umm..
Jin: you are that week for me Princess that you already can't speak,I haven't done anything yet.
Joojin : stop teasing me!
Jin's pov
She is so cute. what Have I done to get you joojin?
I then picked her in bridal style and laid her in bed and laid beside her. We were staring eachother.
Joojin : am I looking that beautiful that you can't stop staring!
Jin: I'm thinking is it dream or real?
Joojin : I love you
(Pecks his lip)
But jin pulls her by waist and the kiss was getting rough..
Then he went towards her collarbone then to neck, everywhere he could make purple marks.
Joojin : Jin.. I'm..
Jin: I know..

[{ Jin to author : can you go out with your viewers?
Author : but we wanna see 🤧
Jin: where is my pink slipper?
Author : let's go guys I've a hidden camera here we will watch from outside!
Jin: aish these brats!}🥴🤣]

And they did what they were supposed to do🌚
Joojin's pov
As the ray of sun was coming trough the window, I got up and saw the most beautiful view,I'm gonna watch this view forever till death

Joojin's povAs the ray of sun was coming trough the window, I got up and saw the most beautiful view,I'm gonna watch this view forever till death

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(The view)
{Joojin : author are you jealous?
Author : ofcorse I'm. he is my bias🤧🥹}

Joojin was staring at him,
Jin : I know I'm handsome.
Joojin : I thought you were sleeping!
Jin: I'm not,let's do another round!
Joojin : aishh!pervert, my abdomen is already hurting, you are really Rough!! 😤
Jin: NOW you are angry? Yesterday someone was asking for more and more!
Joojin : shut up and help me to get up and take to bathroom, I wanna have a shower.
Jin : Let's shower together Princess..
Joojin : ufff jinn
Jin : when you blush you look like a tomato 😆
Jin: I've made your breakfast.
Joojin : thank you hubby!
Jin: only thank you?
Joojin : what do you want? A kiss?
Jin nods and Joojin rolls her eyes
Joojin : take it!
Jin: 😅😅anyway just get ready You'll be going to College today.
Joojin : what? Aishh once a teacher is always a teacher!how can I expect that You'll let me be at home without studying? Huhh I'm going to get ready😤
(Jin chuckles)
Jin: It's because I'm also going to College so I dont want you to be here alone,ok?
Joojin : whatever 😒
Jin kisses the crown of her head
Jin: sarang hae!
Joojin : 😤😤nado sarang hae!
(Jin chuckles)
Jin : your anger is cute😆

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