forgive me!

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Jin's pov
Today I'm getting married, but not with that girl I wanted!IT Was in my fate maybe.
Jisoo: jin look how am I looking?
Jin: jisoo Don't you know that I'm not interested in this marriage! So why you are troubling me!
Jisoo: jin can't you just forget her? She is your past and I'm present and future!
Jin: she is my forever, so never expect anything from me, I can't refuse to marry you but you could, but you didn't! Cuz you are selfish! Selfish for your one-sided blind love!
Jisoo: jin!!

Jisoo's pov
He will never gonna love me!whae? Didn't I tried hard since our high school! But he is stuck with that one fucking joojin! I hate that girl,but I'm not that fool that I'll marry someone who will never understand me..
(Cries hard)

Jisoo: jin!
Jin: what now?
Jisoo: you are free jin!just go to her,I'll not stop you, I can't stay with guilt that I became a obstacle of your love life,I'm not selfish jin!I truly loved you.
Jin: I'm sorry jisoo that I'm like that with you,but I'm sure You'll find someone who will love you the way you deserve!

(Jisoo left)
Eunwoo : joojinssi, where are you going? Don't go!
Joojin : Don't stop me,I'm not feeling staying here anymore!
Eunwoo : what happened? Tell me!
Joojin : I'm feeling devasted!I'm going to my parents, I'll stay there happily!
(Fake smile)
Eunwoo : Did your ex did something?
Joojin : he is getting married!
Eunwoo : who the jerk is?huh? Wait!It's..
Joojin : jin, seokjin..
Eunwoo : how?
Joojin : It's a long story. I'll tell you if we meet again!bye..I'm going.
Eunwoo : Don't go please!
Joojin : I'm not a girl that you deserve! You deserve better,I'm not even virgin
Eunwoo : so what?I still love you!
Joojin : Don't say this.huhh😮‍💨thats why I have to go for sure!

Tae: hyung, why are you waiting? Just go back to joojin!
Jin: but what about you guys?grandpa's men will kill you and find us!
Jieun: we have plans!Don't worry!
Jin: ....
Yoongi : we had confronted him about his deeds, and that fool old man splitted his all misdeeds and we recorded it, also tae and I found some documents that will help us to send him jail.hyung now you go It's late,she will go back and never come again!
Jieun: I have traced her phone she is in airport!
Jin: I'm leaving guys take care and come to Daegu as soon as you complete it!

Joojin's pov
As I was sitting in the airport, I heard a familiar voice!
Jin: joojinah..! (His voice cracks as he was crying)
Joojin : no, I can't hallucinate!why jin why? Why you don't get out of my mind!
Jin: I'm real pabo!actually I'm a pabo!
Joojin : yes you are! Come here and hug me!
Jin go to her and hugs her

Jin: I missed you so much Princess! It feels like my body has got It's soul!
Joojin : I hate you! ( crying in his embrace)
Jin: I'm sorry love,forgive me!I'll make it up for you.
Joojin : hmm Let's go now!
Jin: Let's go our flight is coming.
Joojin : ...
Jin: I prepared my one too!
Joojin : but why did you left me that day?
Jin: I'll tell you but at first let me do something for you!
Joojin : what?

Then he kissed her.

Joojin : you!!everyone is watching!
Jin: so what?I got this chance after 3 months!this time I'll never gonna leave you!
Joojin : you dare kim seokjin! Next time if you leave me I'll kill you.
(Jin chuckles)
Jin: okay now let's go or we'll miss flight!
Again he kisses on her forehead.

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