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It had been a week since you had the photoshoot with Bonney and Law had been following you around nearly everywhere just in case the perpetrator from that night came back, but so far no one had followed you again. The night after your photoshoot Law had suggested that he could sleep on your couch and his two friends occupied his apartment in case something did happen, however at that time you were working and had a little confidence juice in your system so you kindly turned down his offer to cling to your privacy as much as you could. After the last seven days, Law and his friends finally agreed that it was safe for you to be independent once again and you couldn't be happier, being around them all the time you had nearly drunk yourself out of booze just so you could hold a conversation without getting shy.

In the present time, you were currently lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about all sorts of things as the sound of your ringing phone flooded your bedroom. 

Picking up the cellular device you took note of the time 2 pm and looked at the name displayed, after reading the name you hurriedly sat up and answered the caller.

"Hello, this is y/n"

"Y/N! Hey girl, your album is all finished so you can pick it up whenever"

The pink haired lady on the end of the phone was obviously eating while talking due to the excess sounds coming through the phone. 

"Thanks Bonney, would I be able to pick it up later today maybe around 5?" you asked

Bonney quickly agreed and said she'd leave it in the mailbox of the studio you had your photos taken in as she had an evening class starting then. You thanked her once again before saying your goodbyes and hanging up the phone. 

"Alright" you said to yourself, "I think I might go out for drinks tonight"

With a bright smile, you cleaned your place and got ready to leave, it was a little before 5 but you guessed it didn't matter if you got there a little early. 

Walking up to the building you opened the mailbox and came face to face with a beautiful black leather book, sighing in contempt you decided to walk back to the apartment whilst having a quick peek through the album. As you turned the hard cover over the first photo was you in the black strapped lingerie with you kneeling on the ground, your knees were slightly spread and your hands were between your legs propping up your torso as you leaned forward a little.

"Damn, Bonney really does work some magic" You stated to yourself as you pulled out your phone to call Nami, you were still two blocks away from the apartment so you just tucked the album under your arm as you walked.

You looked through your contact list and scrolled down until Nami's name popped up, you clicked on it and it began calling.

"Y/n? What's up?" Nami answered.

"Hey I just wanted to say um... thankyou for the photoshoot, you were right, it's made me feel much better"

You heard a chuckle on the other end of the phone as she said no worries, you both chatted about how the photos came out at you made your way back to the apartment complex. 

"Come ooonnn y/n, you've got to send me some, pleeeaaassseee" You giggled at her childish behaviour.

"How about someday soon you come around and take a look at the whole album" 

"Are you saying miss y/n the great bartender is inviting me to her place?" You could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yes Nami I am, anyway I've got to go I'm home now and I'm heading out soon"

"Ok ok but send me the deets on when I can come over okay?"

You gave Nami your regards after agreeing and hung up the phone. As you walked inside you placed the photo album on the kitchen counter and walked into your bedroom to get changed. After seeing the photos of you, you had a little spring in your step and decided on a thin strapped red bodycon dress that stopped just above the knees. Looking over your shoes you decided on just wearing your black Doc Martins like normal, they were comfortable anyway. Sighing quietly you grabbed a small black handbag to match your Docs and walked over to your closet grabbing your emergency flask, taking a big drink before placing in your bag. Looking back into your wardrobe you noticed that your black folding pocket knife was lying there. You squatted down and picked it up raising it to the sky as you looked at it. 

"I haven't seen you in so long old friend" You stared at the knife thinking back, you had got this knife from a friend of your mothers when you were about 13, he was obsessed with all kinds of weapons and had given to you as a way to buy your silence on something he was doing. You only used it as a self-defense weapon against people who tried to hurt you, anyone except family. You sighed once again and put the knife in your purse just in case someone followed you home again, you stood up and drank what was left in your flask while walking to the door of your apartment.

 When you brought the canister away from your mouth you noticed it was empty. 

"Gonna have to get Sanji to fill it up again" You said to yourself as you walked out the front door. Taking a step outside you turned to lock the door only to hear a small whistle and the abrupt sound of a punch. When the lock clicked over you turned to see none other than Law and a blushing Penguin walking over, looking past them you could see Sachi buckled over holding his stomach near the stairs. 

With a small smile you greeted the men as best you could, finally taking note on how short your dress felt as the cold wind wrapped around your bare legs.

"Good evening y/n-ya" Law looked you up and down, his grey orbs taking in every inch of you as he made his way back up to your face. "Off on a date?" He asked.

You noticed Penguin took a slight step back as if he noticed something about Law's demeanour that you didn't. As you were about to utter a response you felt the tingling sensation of the alcohol kicking in, With a devious smirk you walked up to him and put a finger under his chin.

"Mr Trafalgar if I didn't know any better I'd assume you were making a pass at me"

A small smirk graced Law's face as he thought up a response, brushing past him and heading to the stairs you casually waved over your shoulder and made eye contact with him. 

"I'll see you later Mr Trafalgar~"


The walk to the Baratie was short but your lips contorted into a bright smile as you stepped into the establishment and your eyes met with your favourite co-worker handing out free drinks to a group of ladies by the bar.

The Guy Next Door (Trafalgar Law x reader)Where stories live. Discover now