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The night dragged on as more and more customers entered through the large wooden doors and approached you asking for an assortment of beverages. Throughout the night you had drank a few more drinks to calm your nerves in order to continue being the best hostess you could be and right now you were silently drinking down another one as there were no people to serve for the time being. 

As you took a sip from your glass you looked through the large crowd of people when you suddenly stopped on two nervous figures in the back situated either side of a table meant for three, both of the lean males were making small talk but over the loud groups of drunken people you couldn't quite make out what they were saying. One of the men had brown hair that reached down to his shoulders and was mostly tucked under his blue hat with a red brim, his fingers were nervously tapping on the table top as his eyes kept darting between his companion and the doorway. The second man across from him had an overly large hat that was black with a yellow brim and a red pom pom stuck on the very top of his head. The hat cast a dark shadow over his eyes and when he turned to quickly glance at the door as well you could see the word penguin plastered on the front of it. The man with a penguin hat was nervously tapping his brown boot on the floor bouncing his leg up and down nearly knocking the table.

'what strange guys, they're either waiting for someone or on a really awkward first date' you thought to myself 

'they didn't even order a drink'

 Just as you were about to make your way over to the men a group of girls that you had never met before came in through the bars entrance one with orange hair, one with black hair and another with blue, the girls were dressed up a little more than the regular customers which had situated themselves around the tables surrounding the bar. 

The orange haired girl walked up to the bar and introduced herself to me letting me know that her name was Nami and her two friends, who now stood either side of her were Robin and Vivi.

"Nice to meet you all" you said with a smile on your face, "What can I get you tonight?" The girls were obviously out for a catch up with one another and wanting to gossip a bit so you motioned for them to sit at one end of the main bar, that way they were further away from the drunken patrons who normally sat near the window tables or outside so they could smoke.

"Miss Bartender" Robin started with a small smile on her face.

"Please just call me y/n" you started "Formalities are worthless in a setting like this" gesturing to the swarms of drunk men and women whom you had already served tonight.

Robin released a small chuckle as she looked around at the crowd following your gesture before speaking in her silky voice that made your heart flutter "I suppose you are right y/n, you serve customers every day so please tell me what do you think we would order?" 

You froze, it wasn't the first time you had heard that question from a patron before but it still shocked you every time. The question Robin had asked was actually a lot more than just a query of what drinks they might want, it was a question about how you perceived them, their looks and personality. You thought for a second and smirked lightly, figuring out from the look in Robins eyes that this wasn't just about how you perceived them but how they could understand you, if you were trust worthy enough. Looking over the girls you focused on the way they held themselves and how they behaved you tried to use your knowledge of drinks and people as best as possible. As you made up your mind and was about to speak you were abruptly cut off by the orange haired maiden.

"How about I make this a bit more difficult y/n"  Nami grinned so big as what seemed to be money signs appeared in her eyes "if you guess wrong our drinks are all on you tonight" 

"Okay but if I get them right what do I win?" you questioned the girl who was seated on the other side of the oak bench.

"returning customers?" Nami answered in what seemed to be more of a question as she obviously didn't want to give me money.

'ahhh a tight ass' you thought to yourself with a chuckle.

"Returning customers is a fine enough deal, you're not allowed to go to any bar besides this one if I get it right, okay?" you out stretched your hand in a manner for her to shake it in order for her to seal the deal. Once she took your hand you pulled her hand towards your chest as you leant over the bar to whisper in her ear, feeling your few drinks give you some courage.

"I'd never get an order wrong~" you purred in her ear only loud enough for her to hear as your warm breath fanned on the woman's bare neck, you pulled your face back to see a blush spread across her face. She looked like a tomato and you chuckled as you released her hand and pointed to Robin.

"You'd be a white Russian kind of lady, coffee liqueur and vodka served with cream" Robin gave you a slight smile and a small nod, confirming your beliefs. You then moved on to Nami who was still blushing but now also had her jaw slack after realising that you were going to win the bet. "You, my orange haired fellow, would be a tequila sunrise, a shot of tequila and orange juice with a special little syrup" before Nami could even respond you moved onto Vivi, the blue haired friend of the group. "And finally you, my dear, you're a little harder to determine, I'm thinking something kind of tropical.... maybe some malibu mixed with a sort of beverage"

Two out of the three girls were rendered speechless as they stared at you with mouths agape, whilst the third girl, Robin, only raised an eyebrow in curiosity and her small smile grew ever so slightly. You giggled at the trio and left to make their respected drinks while you were walking away you heard Robin break the silence.

"I like miss y/n, she seems... intriguing"

 After making the girls drinks you went back and handed it to them.

"Enjoy girls" you winked as you walked away to serve a new customer who walked into the Baratie.

"Good evening sir, what can I get for you" you looked the man up and down taking notice of his appearance, he was a tall man with piercing grey eyes and a mess of dark black hair that cupped his face with sideburns and a small goatee to complement his jaw. His hands and what you can presume to be up his arms as well were littered with black tattoos which harmonised with his tan skin tone.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked with a devious smirk plastered on his face. A smirk of your own was brought onto your face as you leaned on the bar to get closer to the man, your breasts sitting on the counter and bulging to which he could clearly see the cleavage down the neck of your low-cut shirt.

"I'd enjoy it better if you had fewer clothes~" you whispered in a lewd tone which grasped his attention quite quickly. Springing yourself back up straight you smiled and introduced yourself.

"The names y/n, what can I get you tonight?" the man looked taken aback at my sudden change of attitude as he looked around, his eyes landing on the two nervous men you noticed earlier.

'So not on a date I presume' you thought as you kept watching the tattooed man in front of you.

"Two beers and a whiskey on the rocks" he stated whilst getting out some money "How much do I owe you?"

"Just your name" you chuckled at the man while you started pouring the beers out of the taps on the bar. The man looked at you with a raised brow as he tried to figure out if you were joking or not but when he realised that you were being serious he spoke as you turned to get the whiskey glass and the whiskey.

"The names Trafalgar Law"

"Well nice to meet you Mr Law, here are your drinks" you pushed the beverages over the counter and 'accidentally' brushed his hand when he took them.

"Thankyou y/n-ya"

The Guy Next Door (Trafalgar Law x reader)Where stories live. Discover now