:⁠-⁠)1.Nice to meet you

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"Sigh... It's a new year," Yuna said, looking up at the stars.

"Happy new year, eomma, appa," she whispered as tears began to fall from her beautiful blue eyes.

"I miss you so much. Why did you leave me alone? Why? If only I didn't ask you to take me there that day," she cried out.

"Yuna!!" her grandma called out from behind.

"Halmeoni!" Yuna answered, running into her grandma's embrace while trying to wipe away her stubborn tears.

"Yunaaa-ah, why are you crying? It's the start of a new year; let's not start it with tears," her grandma said, trying to calm the poor teenager. She had been the only one taking care of Yuna after her parents died. Always comforting her, telling her everything would be okay, even though she knew she was getting old and would soon join her son Jung Ho. She sighed.

"Why shouldn't I cry, halmeoni? It's the 11th year since they left me in this wicked world. Why didn't I go with them? Why?" Yuna cried.

"If only I didn't ask them to take me to the amusement park that day," she said, still sobbing in her grandma's embrace.

Her grandma gently flicked her forehead. "Aniya, Yunaa-ah! Don't say that! You didn't kill them. Even if you hadn't asked, they would have taken you there to spend time with their only daughter. You didn't kill them. Stop saying those words," she said, feeling pity for the teenager. Ever since the accident, Yuna kept blaming herself, despite therapy sessions meant to help her heal.

"What do you mean, halmeoni? If I hadn't asked them, they'd still be here celebrating the new year with me. I was so selfish," Yuna raised her voice a little.

Her grandma cupped her cute chubby cheeks in her small hands. "Look at me. You didn't kill them, Yuna. They would have taken you somewhere even if it wasn't the amusement park, just to spend time with you. They felt guilty for choosing work over you. They needed that time with you because you are their cute little adorable princess, and they loved you so much. Besides, your dad would have found any excuse to skip work – even if it meant faking a flat tire."

Yuna sniffled, a small smile breaking through her tears. "Really, halmeoni?"

"Absolutely. And your mom? She'd have joined in, just to see him try to change a tire," her grandma chuckled. "They would definitely not be happy seeing you cry on a new year."

A giggle escaped Yuna's lips. "Okay, okay. No more tears, I promise."

"That's my girl," her grandma said, wrapping her in a warm hug. "Now, how about we go inside and make some hot cocoa? Your dad used to swear it was the secret to a happy new year."

Yuna laughed, finally feeling a bit of the weight lift from her heart. "You know what? I think hot cocoa sounds perfect right now."

"Good. And while we're at it, let's dig out those old photo albums. Remember how your dad used to pretend he was a secret agent? The 'Mission: Get the Cocoa' was his favorite," her grandma added with a mischievous grin.

Yuna couldn't help but laugh, the sound echoing in the night air. "He always did love his dramatic missions."

They walked back to the house together, Yuna's heart a little lighter and her steps a little steadier. The stars above seemed to twinkle just a bit brighter, as if her parents were smiling down on them.

Inside, they settled down with steaming mugs of cocoa. Yuna opened a photo album and pointed at a picture of her father wearing a fake mustache and oversized sunglasses. "He thought he was so sneaky," she said, giggling.

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