:⁠-⁠)9. Stay?

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It was now Sunday and it was peaceful in the Jeon's apartment. Yuna was peacefully asleep on Jungkook's bed while the boy was also asleep beside her. His hands on her waist and her head resting on his chest.

Well after their make out the two decided to talk because none of them were feeling sleepy. She talked about her grandma who became her favorite person in the world while Jungkook talked about his mum how he loved her and Yuna just listened to him. Well you could say she's a very good listener.

She had never had him talk about his parent and she wondered how he copes when he's alone, he definitely lives alone she knew that now.

"You love her very much, don't you?" She asked him while raising her hands to caress his cheeks. She has never done it before but she was exploring.

The boy hummed while leaning in to the warmth her hand brought. She now examined how he looked at that moment and she saw the broken boy, he was just like her but he never showed it.

"Why didn't you want me to play with Taehyung?" She finally asked him. While the boy just pretended like he didn't hear anything.

"Sleep with me tonight Yuna." He said instead.

"Ehhhhh." She shouted.

"Sleep with me." He said with a determined face now holding her hand in his.

"What d- do yo-you mean? Am not sleeping with you am still young." She busted out now getting all red. Jungkook laughed and she looked at him with a 'what's funny' kinda look.

"Waa I can't believe you're thinking about ." He told her controlling his laughter.

"What were you talking about then?" She pouted getting embarrassed again. The boy smiled and pecked her pout making her to look at him just to find him already looking at her.

"I meant you should sleep in my bed with me not that word you were thinking. Pervert." He explained to her making her eyes widen. She let out a small 'ooohh'. While the boy was eager to hear her answer.

"Will you?" He wanted to know.

She nodded making him smile widely, he stood up and grabbed her with him to go to his room.

He entered his room and immediately went to his bed dragging Yuna with him, he didn't waste anytime to cuddle with her. She was speechless but nevertheless she put her head on his chest while he put his hand around her waist.

She didn't know why Jungkook wanted to have her in his arms but she wasn't complaining she felt his hand on her naked waist as she was wearing a crop top which sent an unknown shiver down her spine. He started caressing her waist while she just tried to control her heartbeat.

The two eventually slept and Jungkook was so great full and that led us where we are right now.

It was now 10:00am Yuna woke up wanting to move but couldn't as she felt an arm around her waist, she looked up to find Jungkook sleeping. She smiled as she brought her hands up to caress his hair.

She stayed like that for a minute until she found a way to escape his tight hold on her. She was now in the kitchen making breakfast for the two boys and herself. She is a wonderful cook of course she learnt from her haelmoni.

She found some ingredients in Jungkook's cupboard but it was a hassle as she wasn't tall enough making her remember how she pecked him yesterday she blushed but shook her head to focus on the breakfast she was making.

It was now 11:00 when she was done with the food she was making. She made egg and toast with orange juice and to top it ramyeon. She went up to wake the boys up but she wasn't sure which room Tae was in so she decided to wake Jungkook first.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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