:⁠-⁠)8. So this is love

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"So you're saying Yuna's mum started all this" Jin asked getting confused.

"No she wasn't. She was just the reason it started." The old woman corrected him.

"Ptchh isn't that the same thing?"
He murmured.

"What did you say?" The woman asked him.

"Nothing haelmoni. So what you're saying now is that Yuna's mum Min Ji gomo (Aunt YiJi) was Woo.. sorry baekjung's first love?" He started getting the pieces together.

The old woman just nodded and sighed afterwards.

"I just wish all of this was a dream. We have to protect Yuna at all cost, we can't let her get involved with her parents past." She strictly told Jin who just looked at her, eyes filled with determination.

The old woman just breathed a breath of relief knowing fully well that wasn't even half of the story she just didn't want him to know as he would be deeply worried for Yuna than he already is.

"Isn't it time for Yuna to get back it's almost 9pm." She broke the silence making Jin's eye to widen.

"Fuc.. I mean damn it's already late I told her I would pick her at 7" The nigga panicked.

"Isn't she at Jungkook's? She'll be ok there, no need to sweat" The woman just laughed at her grandchild while the said boy was panicking.

"We need to get a phone anytime soon cause I need to be at peace." He concluded sitting on his spot back.

"She never asked for it I wonder why" The woman told him.

"I mean I got her one when she was 15 and she told me she didn't need it so she returned it back to me but I refused and gave it back to her but she sold it the next day" Jin looked at her with his mouth wide open.

"Why doesn't she need one? I mean kids her age would die to have a phone." Jin finally spoke and the woman was in deep thought.

"I think there's something she's hiding from us and I don't like it I feel it's a bad thing." She replied him.

"Don't stress haelmoni I'll get a her a new phone don't worry I know how to coax her." The boy laughed.

"You should go back home and forget about Yuna she's probably sleeping by now, Taeyon must be waiting. Hurry up now." The woman smiled at the young handsome man who had grown to be a family man just when he was crying in her arms few years back.

He stood up and bid her goodbye heading home to his beloved wife.


Meanwhile a certain girl with a blue and white stripped crop top and a blue jean was sleeping comfortably on a mattress which she assumed was her room.

She slowly opened her eyes just to see the different interior of the room. She then realized she was with Jungkook before she fell asleep.

Jungkook was done with the work his so called teacher gave him before she dozed off. He was now on his laptop making research about his mother's job.

He was busy on the Internet looking for a company named 'Choi Enterprise'

He didn't know how that company was related to his mom and Yuna's parent. He gave up and decided to watch some TV program until he saw the time he went up to his room to check on his teacher who gave up and continued her peaceful sleep.

He smiled at her sleeping figure 'she looks so peaceful' according to Jungkook.

He walked slowly towards her to adjust the blanket on her and when he was done he took his time to admire her facial features.

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