(This is Emilia's House above)

Tucking my numb hands in my jacket pockets, I continued down the sidewalk, snow crunching under the heels of my boots.

"Nicole, where are we going?" I asked, my breath turning to frost as it left my mouth.

Nicole turned her head to look at me, her brown hair swaying over her shoulder and her green messenger bag flying behind her . "Calm down. It's only a couple more minutes." She said.

"Town curfew is in," I paused to pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time. The screen read '9:32'. Crap. "Twenty-eight minutes." I finished my sentence. My parents normally like me home by 9:30, just to make sure the whole family is safe. I told them I had to stay a few minutes late to finish a history paper with Nicole, which I honestly thought we were doing.

"Calm your tits, Emilia. I'll have you back in time." She said so nonchalantly, making me gasp.

"Language!" I whisper-yelled, seeing as an elderly couple was walking by. There weren't many people out right now except for a couple random people who seemed to be scrambling back towards their homes in time for curfew.

Nicole just dryly laughed, turning on Conway blvd. What? All that's on this street was a small, local, orange juice producer. The smell was strange and pungent as we got closer to the factory, leaving a slight burn in my nostrils. "Nicole! What are we-"

"Shh!" She cut me off, placing her index finger against her chapped lips.

Following her around the back of the building, I watched as she crawled over a dumpster that sat against the wall skillfully before jumping to grab onto a sturdy branch of a near-by oak tree. She pulled herself up, brushed her thighs off with the back of her hands, before turning to me. "Let's go."

"Nicole are you- no! I can't- I won't-no!" I struggled finding the words to say. Nicole was my best friend, but there was no way I was jumping the wall with her. Number one rule, 'Never leave the confinement of the wall.'

Many thoughts began to wonder through my mind. 'What if I get caught?', 'How many times as Nicole done this?', and 'Why?'. Before I knew it though my hands were on the lid of the dumpster, and my foot was on the wheel peddle and my other one on the handle. I pushed myself on-top of the dirty bin before getting to my feet. "Why are we doing this?" I whisper-yelled up to Nicole.

"You'll see in a second. Come on!" She said, zipping her winter coat farther over her old basketball jersey.

I grabbed a tight hold on the same branch Nicole was standing on, pulling myself up. Nicole climbed up the tree with fluid motions, graceful almost, and I could probably be compared to a duck or a penguin trying to climb a tree. It doesn't work out well.

After I made it on the branch, I looked to see there was still a few feet of wall above us. "How are we doing this exactly?" I asked, tugging my jacket closer to my body and pulling the sleeves over my hands.

"We still have to climb up the tree." Nicole said, laughing a little after.

I followed her exact moves, trying not to miss place my feet or grab onto a skinny branch. Soon enough we were high enough in the tree that we could step on the top of the wall.

A road. A two lane, two way, road. My mind was questioning why all that was out here was a road. Then Nicole tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to something strait ahead of us.

On the other side of the road, behind an old barbwire fence, was another community. Nothing like mine. Mine was what I thought all cities and towns looked like. I never knew people lived outside of the wall. My family and I had drove hours apon hours in the other direction in the wall, passing a dozen large cities and hundreds of towns that all looked like mine; freshly-cut lawns, open windows with curtains pulled back, beautiful two or three story houses with crystal chandeliers you could see through the dinning room window. I just found it a coincidence that I lived towards the edge. But there it was; another town that looked run down and beaten up. People walking with-in the fence in torn up winter coats that barely fit them properly and worn out sneakers. A small boy, he looked about nine or ten from here, was even wearing a dirty pair of cut off jean shorts...in the middle of winter.

Two Fences; A Shawn Mendes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now