Chapter 2.1.4 - Awkward

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The two groups of supers stood opposite of each other on the roof. They must've looked like a weird bunch. Cherry and the new girl both wore dark clothes and had their hair dyed bright red and blue, respectively. They could've passed for normal bystanders if it weren't for Larian, who wore a dark green bodysuit, and clearly looked like a super. Meanwhile, Emmett stuck with a dark hoodie and mask, but Clara wore a futuristic exosuit. Meanwhile, McGuire was dressed like an old explorer and wore a mask that looked like a cut up sock.

Somehow, it felt both utterly ridiculous and completely normal.

Cherry, Larian, and the new girl took a raincheck on a rematch. Neither wanted to hangout too long on the roofs in such a big group. A bunch of supers in one area weren't likely to go unnoticed by bystanders or by the Summit. And no one wanted to deal with the Summit.

The two groups hung out a few minutes longer on the rooftops between downtown and South Side. Larian conjured his crow again, and the shadow circled high above.

McGuire dapped Larian's hand. "Dude, if you keep pulling out new shadow monsters, you're going to have to change your name to Zoo."

Larian shrugged and replied, "That would not be nearly as good."

Cherry turned to McGuire. "Speaking of names, what's your name mean, anyway?"

McGuire waved the question away. "It's from an old TV show. You've never seen it."

New girl's name was Krystal, and the entire time the others were conversing, she wouldn't stop staring at Emmett. Her eyes were the same icy blue as her hair. Clara crossed her arms, like she was about to say something, but the new girl beat her to the punch.

Krystal asked Emmett, "So, what's your deal?"

He chuckled uneasily, more at her attention than the question itself. "I'm a cyborg." She looked him up and down, which didn't help.

Cherry sniggered and elbowed Krystal. Then Cherry said to Emmett, "You've been making some upgrades. Where'd you get that staff?"

McGuire leaned in and said proudly. "My guy designed it himself."

"What about the rest of you?" Krystal asked Emmett. "Just how much of you is mechanical?"

Clara shuffled in her exosuit. "Trade secret."

Krystal ignored her. "Must be quite a bit. There aren't many people that can withstand my powers like you did."

Emmett resisted the urge to look down at his newly replaced legs—which was silly. His prosthetics weren't even why he could withstand her cold attacks.

What was up with this girl, and why did she have him so on edge?

Larian chimed in from the edge of the roof. "I wish I could upgrade myself."

McGuire scoffed. "Says the man who can summon shadow creatures."

Larian said simply, "I have my limits. Mod can transcend them. He's gotten stronger in just the last month."

Of course, they didn't know that he had nearly died, and that was the only reason he got those upgrades. Emmett wasn't crazy enough to cut off his own limbs to get prosthetics.

"There are other ways to improve," Emmett muttered. "You can make new creatures or learn new tactics and ways to use your powers."

Krystal smirked. "I have plenty of techniques. I just don't share them all the first night."

Emmett's cheeks grew hot—he was glad to be wearing a mask.

Cherry ignored her friend's comment and groaned. "That's easy for you guys. I'm only good at one thing." She held up a finger gun for emphasis and mouthed, "Boom."

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