second piece

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gojo was screaming..

"Satoru! What have you done?"
Getou says as he's also running with gojo and shouko..

"You did it too!"
Gojo answers..

"Shut the hell up, you two.. Now just run or we'll be in our graves!"
Shouko shouting at the two..

Now, they finally arrive at their school and enter the class, sadly they're too late for their lesson..

"Gojo satoru, getou suguru and Ieiri shouko... You guys are late again... Write an apology i want to have it today after the school!"
The teacher is angry

"Eehh? But we just did it yesterday"
Gojo starts to complain..

"Gojo, you're writing it two times today! One more word and it'll be three times"

Gojo is completely silent now!


Finally, the school hours ended and gojo, getou and shouko also finished writing their apology and were on their way to give it to their teacher.

[Speeding up events]

They already gave it to the teacher and are now on their way to their shared home..

"I'm going to shower~"
Gojo says tired..

"Good choice you stink so Bad"
Shouko said while getou was in an another room changing his school clothes to a comfortable ones..

As gojo entered the the bathroom and started to fill the bathtub with hot water getou came in the living room where shouko was sitting...

Getou:"Shouko.. Make me some food"

Shouko:"i'm not your maid, make some for yourself, and for me too.."

Getou:"says the one who just told me she's not my maid.. I'm not going to do anything, too tired to even get up now"

Shouko:"yep, today was a very exhausting day"

Getou:"i'm not believing what we did to a literal yakuza, you know if they ever saw us again we're dead"

The vibe is getting bitter as the sun was setting and it's getting cold while the window was wide open..

Shouko:"getou, i need to tell you something serious and i'm expecting from you to understand and respect what i'm going to say without telling gojo"

Getou focuses now more with shouko as he realise shouko was very serious..
Getou:"what is it?"

Shouko:"getou, please... It's my only wish.. If something ever happened to me and i was between  life and death, let me die! Don't ever think to get me to a Hospital, just let me die in whatever way it will be.. I know gojo will never accept my words and i'm telling you that so you also reject gojo's opinion about helping me.. If something happened of course!
Getou, i mean my words, please accept-"

Getou:"shouko... What are you talking about? Of course not! I can't let any of you die! Don't ever talk that way again, nothing will happen!"


"no.. No shouko no, just no!"
Getou says as he decides to stand up and go out of the room to whereever..

Shouko smiles laying on the Couch..
"I know you'll do what i tell"
A little tear runs down her cheek..

Getou was between angry and sad, why would shouko decide this ending for herself?

He wasn't focusing on where he's going he just grabbed a handle and opened the door...

Getou looks forward him to see gojo naked, relaxed in the tub with hot water...

He couldn't help but stare at his beautiful body shape full with water on it,
His wet slicked back hair...
Getou wasn't all good when he saw gojo's surprised and red face as he also started to feel the heat up his body, his heart not stopping to beat so fast..

Getou was freezing in his Position not knowing what to do, 'just apology and get the hell out' getou was thinking but he couldn't move an inch..


"aahh, i-i'm sorry.. I didn't know you were in here!"
Getou says as he was planning to go out and close the door,  but...

"No! Wait..."
Gojo stands up from the tub to reveal his whole body, and was going forward to getou, but getou was very scared about what will happen if he came one cm closer to gojo..

Getou screamed as he closed the bathroom door and ran to the bedroom to See shouko already asleep!

"Shit, what have i done?"
Getou was thinking as he realised he just screamed at gojo
"I should definetily apologize to him!"
Getou sits down on his bed that is on the left of shouko's bed

After a while, getou is still sitting on his bed re-thinking his whole existence when gojo walks in the room with wet hair and a small towel on his neck..


Getou:"Satoru! I- i'm very sorry about what happened, i didn't know you were in there"

Gojo:"i'm not upset about that, but... Are you all good?"

"y-yes, i guess.. Why are you asking? And... Looking so weirdly at me?"
Getou asked as he realised how gojo is looking mostly on his head..

Gojo:"Uh, i wanted to help but you just ran away... I told you to wait and now i don't know where it went"

Getou:"what is it? I have bad feelings now.."

Gojo:"t-there was a spider on your head"

As gojo said that, getou panicked as he's scared of insects and started to shake his head in a crazy way...

Getou:"is it gone??"
Getou screams..

Gojo:"well, i don't know.. It was in the bathroom when i saw it, but i don't See anything now"

Getou starts to panic even more, what does gojo mean with [i don't See it] it literally could anywhere on getou's body..

Getou's heart is literally dying now as he starts to shout to gojo with his shaky voice:"Satoru- p-please.. Search and look closer, is there anything? Don't say there's nothing, just make it disappear"


"Satoru! Please.."
Getou was screaming and was clearly not listening to gojo..

"Suguru... Listen!"

"Help me, is there anything.. Look exactly between my hair"

Gojo starts to raise his voice..

"Satoru, look there... Are you sure there's nothing?"

this is starting to get on gojo's nerves..
He holds getou's face from his chin and brings him closer to his face, so getou actually stops panicking..

You can say there's only 2cm between getou's and gojo's face

Gojo screams..

There was just a little shock on getou's face, as he realises how close he is to gojo.. He couldn't do anything but turn all red while feeling the room so hot..

But appearently not only getou but also gojo turned red and felt the heat up his body..

[What was i thinking before doing this?]
Gojo was thinking..

The both of them just stare into the others eyes completely falling for each other...
To be continued...

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