Part 4

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Part 4
"Take my breath away."

"This is a private Comm channel, please state your business." A familiar voice spoke.

It was Echo. Crosshair had been trying to contact his brother. They both quickly scrambled up and turned on the comms.

"Echo, it's Sierra Syala." She spoke into the comms. She was worried that he wouldn't remember her as she didn't work with the 501st for very long and only seen them for a few minutes on kallar.

"Sierra?" A voice came from the back, a very recognisable voice. Wrecker.

"Listen, I'm on Felecia." She began. "I can get out of here but I don't have anywhere to go."

"We're on a mission at the moment but I'll send you coords of Ord Mantel, how many is your crew?" Echo asked.

Sierra turned to Crosshair, who then spoke for himself. "Just the two of us, plus a droid." The comm channel went silent.

A buzz indicated that coordinates had been sent over. "See you all on ord mantel then." Sierra said before closing the comm channel.

Sierra sighed. "What happened with your brothers, why aren't you with them anyway?" She turned and asked him.

"I stayed with the empire, they deserted the empire in the beginning." He spoke quietly.

"I see." She said, turning to the dashboard and placing in the coordinates. "Can you take off for me, I have a few things to get on with." She said coldly, standing up and walking away, R3 at her heels.

The cockpit was silent, was she upset with him? He began the process of taking off, turning the engine and hyperdrive on. The hum of the ship began taking off. Once the ship had left the atmosphere, Crosshair began the sequence for hyperspace.

Once everything was set and they were in hyperspace, Crosshair left the cockpit to find Sierra.

She was lying down on the bed, looking up to the ceiling. "I'm not upset with you, I just don't understand." She said, slowly sitting up to look at him. "You had a choice to leave with the people who love you or stay with the empire?" Her voice sounded almost angry, she was upset. "I didn't have a choice with the empire, you did."

"Sierra, I didn't want to hunt down my brothers." He says. "You know that every clone had a chip in the brain, well I had two." He held the bridge of his nose. "I had one of them removed a long time ago and the other only recently."

"They believed the first one didn't work as a cadet, so they put another in without taking the other out, which caused damage to the-"

"Hypothalamus, which caused your emotional attachments to your brothers to disappear and it would've damaged the brain slowly over a period of time." Sierra finished for him. "I understand now." She said with a smile, going up to him and wrapping her arms around his small waist. He placed one hand behind her head and the other rested on her waist.

After a while of them staying in that same position, Sierra looked to Crosshair. "We will have to explain to them too." She said.

"I know, let's just hope they trust me."

A few hours past by in hyperspace and the two ended up the cockpit eating and talking about old fun memories they shared.

"You constantly called me Mesh'la." Sierra said. "What does it mean?"

Crosshair grinned. "Idiot." He laughed lightly.

Sierra tried to reach over and punch him in the arm but only got to lightly touch him with the distance between them. They both laughed as they watched the stars fly by.

"Bastard." Sierra mumbled under her breath.

"What was that Mesh'la?" Crosshair giggled.

"I said bastard, Mesh'la." Crosshair nearly burst out cackling, it didn't mean Idiot and Sierra is only realising now. "It doesn't mean idiot."


After 3 hours of joking around, Sierra finally fell asleep in the pilot seat. Once Crosshair realised he stood up himself. "R3 monitor the ship." He told the droid, who then continued to mock him for giving orders. "Are you cross-wired? She's asleep, monitor the ship." He said as the droid finally moved to the nav computer and plugged in his computer interface arm.

Crosshair went over to Sierra and lifted her into his arms. He held onto her and took her through to the bedroom. He gently lowered her down onto the bed but she grabbed onto his shirt as he let go. "Don't leave me alone." She whispered. She didn't open her eyes, but she let go of his shirt as he then pulled the covers over her and he then laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. Placing a light kiss on her forehead.

They had both managed to get a decent amount of sleep before R3 came back through yelling and making noises so they both woke up.

They both returned to the cockpit, Sierra in the co-pilot seat and Crosshair in the pilot seat. Sierra had the blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she was still half asleep.

Tech had sent over clearance codes for ord mantel and told us to scramble our code once we got down. Good thing Sierra already had it all set up.

They jerked out of hyperspace into orbit of ord mantel. When the comms buzzed, Crosshair just sent over the clearance codes and cleared them for landing.

"I'll go get our things." Sierra's groggy voice complained as she dragged herself up, leaving the blanket on the seat and walking away, making Crosshair laugh. How did he get here?

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