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Paperbag opened the door and allowed you to step inside. He then walked in after you and closed the door.

You see a long chair turning around to face you, until you finally see him.

He smirked, "Hola, cariño." He greeted, standing up to walk towards you.

He gently took your hand and smirked, showing off his teal and sharp teeth.

You nervously smiled back at him and quickly whipped your hand away from him, which he noticed and slightly frowned.

"Um— Hello. You must be Black Hat. I'm here as the new assistant." You explained.

He then smirked again and slid an arm around your shoulder and then looked at paperbag dude. "Well then, I guess you'll be having a new roommate, Doctor." He laughed.

You whipped your head at paperbag dude because you weren't informed about being a 'roommate', "Roommate?" You questioned.

"Oh? You didn't tell them?" Black Hat narrowed his eyes at paperbag dude and frowned.

You were starting to feel uncomfortable being this close to Black Hat, so you stepped away. Black Hat then put his arms behind his back.

"M-my apologies, jefecito! I forgot to i-inform them!" Paperbag dude stuttered and stammered.

Black Hat only growled at him, "Sorry won't fix ANYTHING, FLUG!" He screamed. You covered your ears because that was one hell of a scream.

You could see Black Hat's form getting bigger and scarier, then suddenly forming back to normal.

"You're off the hook, Doctor. But I won't be so... nice next time." He threatened. It looked like he was disgusted saying the word 'nice'.

Black Hat suddenly looked at you, "You're gonna be Flug's assistant." He informed you.

'Oh, so Flug's his name, huh? I've been calling him paperbag dude the whole time.' You thought. 

"Uh, okay." You accepted it because you need the money and you need it now.

"One more thing before you go.." He says, summoning a paper looking contract.

"To work for me, you'd have to sign my contract."
He explained, handing the contract to you.

You began reading it over, but Black Hat interrupted you.

"I don't have all day, mortal." He frowned.

"Fine, give me a pen." You say, handing out your hand so you could receive the pen.

Black Hat summoned a pen in his hand and handed it to you.

You then had a gut feeling, this didn't feel... right. You start to worry and have second thoughts.

As if Black Hat knew what you were thinking, he glared at you. Which pressured you into signing the contract.

You quickly signed it with your signature, and you see your shadow fading away. You start to wonder what you've gotten yourself into.

Black Hat then takes the contract and pen away from
you and placed it on his desk.

"Welcome to the Black Hat Organization, dear Y/N." He says.

Wait, how'd he know your name? You never told him. Unless Flug told him.

Black Hat then gave you a harsh push towards Flug which caused you to stumble. Luckily, you caught your balance.

Flug then gestured you to follow him, which you obliged. You two then left Black Hat's office, but you feel as if he was still watching you. You shrugged it off as being paranoid and continued walking with Flug.

"So... where are we going?" You asked.

"We're going to your room." Flug answered rather quickly.

"Wait— how do you know where my room is? Does Black Hat have like, telekinesis?" You inquired, bamboozled.

"That's telepathy, genius." He chuckled, "But to answer your question, yes. He has telepathy. He has a lot of powers, actually." He continued, "He will be your boss for the rest of your life."

You didn't like how he worded that, so you kept quiet.

You both finally arrived to your new room, "This is your room." Flug says.

You nodded and looked at the door, "So, when do I have to pack?" You asked.

Flug.. smiled? You couldn't really tell since he has that damn school paper lunch bag over his head.

"You don't have to, we already sent the Hat-Bots to do all the packing for you." He explained.

You raised an eyebrow, "Hat-Bots?"

"Oh, right. Hat-Bots are just like our assistants, but since everything somehow goes wrong with them.. because of a certain someone..." He muttered at the last part, which you didn't quite catch.

"What was that?" You asked.

"Nothing! Anyway, I need you to meet our 2 other roommates." He gestures you to follow him once again.

"I'm surprised Demencia hasn't made an appearance yet.." Flug wondered out loud.

"Who's Demencia?" You asked, curious upon hearing a new name.

Before Flug could answer your question, you hear a loud shriek coming from the halls.


You looked behind Flug and spot a.. lizard lady? With neon green hair and front pink hair. She was running after Flug and looked as if she was about to tackle him.

You moved out of Flug's way so you wouldn't get dragged in the tackle.

The supposed girl 'Demencia' sprinted towards Flug and tackled him with all her might.

Flug shrieked and groaned in pain,
"Demencia! How many times do I have to tell you that if Black Hat sees you horse playing, HE'S GOING TO HAVE YOUR HEAD!" He scolded her, seemingly frustrated.

Demencia smiled with confidence, "My love would never hurt me! He's so.. handsome.." She drooled, about to say dream, but she spotted your figure.

"And who's this weirdo?" She asked, eyeing you up and down.

You raised an eyebrow at her, offended that she called you a weirdo when she looks like one herself.

"I'm uhh.. Y/N. The new assistant." You confirmed.

Demencia looked at you for about 10 seconds before narrowing her eyes at you.

"Just so you know, Black Hat belongs to me! So, you better keep ya hands off of him." She says, smirking.

"Keep him, I don't want him." You grimaced, wondering how a girl like her would like an.. an eldritch like him.

Author's Note :
DAWGGGG HOKY SHIT BRU I CANT BELIEVE I GOT TO 1,012 WORDS.. SORRY IF I MAKE ANY OF THEM OOC!!! It's my first time writing about them JEBAKHSQ of course I'll get better in the future (hopefully)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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