Relationship Status

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         Jihoon and Soonyoung have been dating for three years but no one knows. Weird reight? Well. It's not because they don't trust their members nor that they didn't want to tell them.

They trust them so very much. At first, they were afraid of the reactions the others might give. They didn't know if they hate homosexuality or not. But after a year of dating they finally found the courage they needed to face others.

But someone stole their spotlight, just before they could announce. It was Seungcheol and Jeonghan who had been dating for just a month till that day. Jihoon and Soonyoung both wanted to facepalm that day.

But it was good for them as they also found out others reaction. Some others even confessed that they weren't all straight. Jeonghan & Seungcheol even treated them all to quality meat that day to celebrate.

Jihoon and Soonyoung decided to give them their well earned spotlight for now and they would reveal their's after some time. But maybe fate had something else planned for them.

After their comeback that year, they again planned to tell everyone in their celebratory dinner but as always that went in vain. Someone else beat them to that and that was Mingyu and Wonwoo. This time Soonyoung really wanted to shout in annoyance but stopped when Jihoon pressed his palm lightly. They again let their chance slip out.

But Soonyoung and Jihoon both thought 'third time was a charm'. They planned thoroughly how they would surprise them on Christmas eve. They thought maybe after two years of dating they'll finally be able to tell the others.

Jihoon and Soon young were so giddy that they even volunteered to plan the christmas eve. But once again their chance was snatched away by someone else, Vernon and Seungkwan. Can you believe it? Now the maknaes too!!!!

After congratulating the new couple briefly, Soonyoung excused himself saying he was drunk. Little did he know Jihoon had followed him to their shared bedroom. Jihoon locked the door behind him and went to his boyfriend who was sitting on the floor hugging his knees.

Jihoon crouched down to his level and hugged him. Soonyoung hugged back sniffling. Thats when Jihoon knew his boyfriend was crying. He murmured sweet words to his boyfriend to calm him down while making small patterns on his back. Soonyoung calmed down after a few minutes.

Soonyoung pulled back from the hug and looked at his boyfriend. His eyes were still till teary. Jihoon settled down between his boyfriend's legs and rubbed off the remaining tears in Soonyoung's puffy checks.

"Hoonie, why does it always happen to us?" Soonyoung said between sniffles. Jihoon cupped the hamster's cheeks and made him look into his eyes. "You know what? Who cares if we tell them are not? They'll eventually find out anyway. We don't need to plan how to tell them. We have nothing to hide anyway," He said looking at his cute boyfriend who just nodded in response.

Soonyoung's plump lips are pushed out in an attractive pout and Jihoon couldn't resist it. He pecked the hamster's lips before finally capturing the lips for a  long kiss. Soonyoung smiled in the kiss making Jihoon blush.

 Soonyoung smiled in the kiss making Jihoon blush

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A/N: please love it a lot 😗❤️

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