Soonyoung's Jealousy

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Jihoon was never fond of skin ships unless it's Soonyoung. But their members were always touchy, especially, Seokmin, Seungkwan and Mingyu. Today they had a promotion event where Jeonghan literally squished his checks out. DK had been hugging him. Jihoon never mind those skin ships because he loved his members.

But Soonyoung had been awfully quiet. He didn't even try to hug Jihoon once the whole day which was really really weird to him. But Jihoon didn't know how to address it. So, he thought the other might be tired after the event.

The next day they all had to do pictorials with their unit. Jihoon had again been squished by his members in most of the photos. After they all checked the photos they were done for the day.

Jihoon wanted to spend the day with his boyfriend in bed. But his dream got crushed as Chan had taken Soonyoung to the dance studio to show him some new choreography ideas he had come up with.

Jihoon had nothing to do all day long. So, he decided to play board games with the maknaes. The loser had to kiss everyone in the cheek. Jihoon had won three times in a row. So, he didn't have to do it but he still got pecks by others. But in the fourth round he lost making the other grin.

"Can't I skip it?" he pleaded to the members who shook their heads as a no. Jihoon pouted while giving them his infamous puppy dog eyes but it still didn't work them. "Okay, fine!" he got up from the couch and kissed DK's cheek first.

"Wow, hyung," Chan said out of nowhere making Jihoon snap his neck toward the maknae. But he was met with an angry Soonyoung who was throwing fire balls through his eyes. "Soonyoung-ah," Jihoon said trying to run away from the punishment. But Soonyoung didn't reply. He went upstairs without saying a single word.

"Did you guys fight?" Jeonghan asked out of blue in a worried tone. "No" Jihoon said a bit too quickly. "Jihoon-ah, it's okay. Just go and talk to him, okay?" Joshua said patting his head. Jihoon nodded before upstairs with sad eyes.

Jihoon walked into the room but the other wasn't there. He heard the sound of the shower running. He locked the door of their room and sat on the edge of the bed. He felt like crying waiting there for his boyfriend. He didn't know what he did wrong. He didn't know if he had hurt the other subconsciously.

He heard the bathroom door open. He quickly rubbed off the tears from his eyes. But Soonyoung still saw it. He knew he couldn't do this anymore. He hated this feeling. He hated making his precious Jihoon cry. He hated his possessiveness towards the other male. He crouched down in front of his boyfriend.

"Soon__." Jihoon's words got cut off as Soonyoung leaned in and touched their foreheads together. "I'm Sorry, baby. I made you cry. I'm sorry for not being the best boyfriend that I promised I would be," Soonyoung said genuinely. Jihoon shook his head. Soonyoung cupped his cheeks with both of his hands. "I know I failed you. I'm really sorry," Soonyoung said as his own heart was bleeding with sorrows.

"No, you've been the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. Can you tell me what I did wrong?" Jihoon asked as he wanted to be the best boyfriend for Soonyoung too. He knew he always came off to the other but that was the way he could show his love. But he still felt insecure about being the best for the other.

"It's not you, baby. It's me," Soonyoung said lowering his head. He felt ashamed to look into Jihoon's eyes. This time Jihoon cupped his squishy cheeks and made him look into his eyes. "Tell me if you love me," he said with confidence cause he knew his tiger loved him so very much. "I just got Jealous and I became possessive and __." Soonyoung's words got cut off by the loud laugh of his boyfriend.

"You also think it's childish, right?" Soonyoung pouted. Jihoon shook his head "It's cute. Let me let you into a secret of mine," Jihoon said making Soonyoung confused as he thought he knew everything about his boyfriend. "I get more jealous than you think and I'm the most possessive one," He said squishing hamster's checks. Soonyoung wanted to say something after digesting the new information. But Jihoon cut him off with a sweet and tender kiss.

What can we do? Their love is full of sweetness. That's just how they're, too sweet to give you diabetic.😉❤️

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