Jihoon's jealousy🔞

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A/N: It's my first time writing a smut. So, please be understanding.🙏

Jihoon had been cranky for the past few months but he had to understand their busy schedules for the comeback this year

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Jihoon had been cranky for the past few months but he had to understand their busy schedules for the comeback this year. But even after being done with the comeback he hadn't found Soonyoung alone for himself. And the maknaes always hanging around Soonyoung made it harder for Jihoon to have some alone time with Soonyoung in bed.

Jihoon wakes up late as they're on vacation in dorms. But Soonyoung wasn't there with him. He sighed before heading downstairs. He found Soonyoung on the couch with Mingyu, Seokmin and Seungkwan. He felt jealousy choking him and the fact that he hasn't had sex in the last few months didn't help much either.

He knew he needed to do something in order to get his frustration out and so he did. He got ready and left the dorm in front of everyone only to make sure that the particular someone noticed it as well. Jeonghan asked him about his sudden schedule. "Just need to do some touch up in the studio. I'll be late so have dinner on your own," Jihoon shrugged before leaving the dorm.

Jihoon worked on a song for two hours until he heard the door of his studio being unlocked. He knew who it was as only one person had a spare key of his studio. He smiled to himself before going to the next room only to see Soonyoung standing there with a bento box in his hand.

Soonyoung smiled at him before trying to hug him. But Jihoon pushed him against the door of the studio. He started kissing his boyfriend roughly ravishing his pink pouty lips. Soonyoung put down the bento box on the floor before changing their position. He kissed back Jihoon with the same amount of passion.

Soonyoung taped Jihoon's thighs to signal him to put his legs around his waist. Jihoon did what he was told. Jihoon's hands were guiding Soonyoung's head into the kiss. Soonyoung carried his boyfriend to the couch and sat there making Jihoon sit on his lap.

Soonyoung nibbled Jihoon's lower lip asking Jihoon for entrance but Jihoon didn't give it as a revenge. The brunette bit his boyfriend's lower lip making Jihoon gasp. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Jihoon's warm mouth. Their tongues fought for dominance which was an easy win on Soonyoung's part. He explored the younger's warm craven. He could taste the sweet strawberry taste as he explored the other's mouth. They both pulled away only when they needed oxygen.

Soonyoung pressed chaste kisses on Jihoon's cheeks, jawlines. Jihoon's hands are grabbing Soonyoung's hair to support himself. Jihoon rolled his hip making Soonyoung groan as their clothed members touched. Jihoon smiled at himself feeling proud to drive the other crazy.

Soonyoung pulled Jihoon's hoodie up and took it off. He started kissing his collarbones as he left beautiful red and purple marks on Jihoon's pale porcelain skin. He pined Jihoon down on the couch as he started licking the sweet skin of his lover making Jihoon arch his back in pleasure.

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