23: Took the Bullet

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"Aerin? You're alive!"

Ruby stood up, her voice trembling as she saw the lady approaching over the dust and broken floor. The sound of Aerin's heels clicking on the crooked wooden floor was unmistakable. Her face was hidden in the bad lighting of the old abandoned house, but Ruby knew that presence could belong to no one else but Aerin Nicole Park.

"I know Keeho has the proof of Taehyung and Jungkook's illegal drug smuggling," Aerin said, her voice cold and unwavering.

Ruby gulped, trying to muster courage. "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about."

"Where are those papers, Ruby?" Aerin's voice was laced with a dangerous edge.

"I don't know," Ruby repeated, looking away, unable to meet Aerin's piercing gaze.

Aerin chuckled darkly and grabbed Ruby by the jaw, pulling her close. Her long, sharp nails dug into Ruby's skin, making her whimper. Despite her efforts, Ruby couldn't match Aerin's strength.

"I asked where those documents are, Ruby," Aerin demanded.

Finally, Ruby gave up, knowing it was futile to resist. Few could withstand Aerin's intimidating aura. Ruby took out a pendrive from the drawer of her desk and handed it to Aerin.

"This has all the records of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook's black marketing," Ruby admitted.

Aerin nodded and released her grip, allowing Ruby to breathe a sigh of relief.

"You bitches had the fucking audacity to kidnap Seungcheol and put him here?" Aerin's voice was filled with disdain.

"Aerin, we didn't know you were alive," Ruby stammered.

"That doesn't make any difference, Ruby. I have always told you to do it for yourself, not for me."

"Aerin, we are sorry—"

"You lost your fucking chance. Now go tell your boyfriend that this bitch is fucking alive and breathing," Aerin ordered.

Ruby nodded and hurried down to the basement, her heart racing. Aerin slowly followed, her presence looming behind Ruby like a shadow of inevitable retribution.


"I knew a bitch like you would be the mastermind behind all of this."

Aerin chuckled, recognizing the voice. She turned and sassed at Jeonghan.

"And you still aren't dead, huh? Pfft, my bad! Witches don't die that easily, isn't it?"

"At least I'm not a pathetic psychopath who tries to kill her own baby brother!" Aerin shot back.

"At least I didn't murder my own father. And FYI, still, Father loved me more than you, cunt!"

Before Aerin could respond, the sudden crack of a gunshot rang out. Keeho had aimed at Jeonghan but ended up shooting Seokmin, who was standing beside him. Jeonghan rushed to Seokmin, but was halted by Keeho's menacing glare and the gun still trained on him.

"Keeho, you fucker!" Jeonghan yelled, anger boiling over.

"Nobody move or I'll shoot them," Keeho threatened, his gun unwavering.

Aerin rolled her eyes, unimpressed. She knew Keeho's threats were mostly empty bluster when it came to her.

"You horrible fuckers think y'all can win since you have my precious boyfriend?" Aerin's psychotic laughter filled the room.

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