26. self-control**

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Mild smut!
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Mild smut!(don't forget to comment and vote on this chapter and share! follow me for more updates and click the link in my bio to join my Instagram readers group! Thank you for giving this book a chance! It means a lot!)

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Harlem was one place I detested the most in NYC. It was rife with delis, casinos, betting rings, and a throng of shady places that one could enter and never come out of.

That's why I couldn't keep my nerves in check. I waited by the bus stop at the street corner I'd been requested to wait at. Taking soothing breaths; in and out for good measure. Praying to the highest entities above that I made it out alive.

I drew my wrist closer to see the time. Past midnight. I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, aching to sit, even if it meant settling on the dirty ground beneath me. One good hour had been spent waiting for that goddamned messenger. I hated this time of the year more than anything.

"Looking good, sweetheart," The familiar shrill voice came up behind me. "Rich money looks good on you." I turned to meet the slimy, late arrival of a man named KELS. You did not, and I mean, did not have the right to call him by his full native name. It was more or less a disrespect to him.

But God, did I want to provoke him right now.

"Late as always," I retorted, wise enough to keep my mouth shut. My fingers brushed against the scarf wrapped firmly around my head. It covered the wide-framed sunglasses that accentuated my disguise. Paparazzi hardly trailed this deep into the hood unless they had reason to — and I'd be damned if I gave them one.

Kels shrugged, wearing his signature barely-toothed smile. "I had some business to take care of, you know the drill."

"Hmm," I said, taking a cautious sweep of our surroundings. His laughter reached my ears by the time my gaze settled back on him.

"You don't need to be scared, Maks. I have my men stationed at every corner; nothing will happen to you. Do you have her package ready?"

I didn't want to add that his men being stationed around was one of my main reasons for worry and just nodded instead. I reached into my tote, retrieving a few stacks of dollars, bundled and tied neatly together — more than half of my earnings from recent sponsorships.

"Whew, damn it, you're loaded, girl," he snatched it and inspected the stacks quickly. "From paying in cents to hundred bills, it seems that pussy is finally doing you some good. Where's my commission?"

I gritted my teeth at his incessant sexist comment and dug into my bag for another stack reserved for him. He took it and counted each bill carefully, nodding his head with each bill flipped. "Down to the T. I didn't doubt you for a second," another throaty, grating laugh like chalk on a board. "I heard you scored big in the city; you're too big to visit us aside from drop-offs. How fair is that, huh? You should come by more."

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