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_____________________Same day- Night

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Same day- Night

"Yea I already put them in the car" 8:45 at night I came out the bathroom rubbing Vaseline on my lips I had on a Juicy Couture sweatsuit and some teddy bear slippers

My hair was curled and pinned up, my black bonnet on top of my hair scarf, putting my Vaseline in my purse I grabbed Von's hand following him

"You excited?, it's yo first time in the raq" Von smiled him and Durk were extra excited I was just happy to see them happy

"I wouldn't say excited but I think it'll be fun" he smacked his lips I shrugged my shoulders snickering lightly

I was still tired from our short nap so we really didn't talk much on our way to the car once we got in Mike our driver made his way to the airport

Hyatt Regency Chicago 🏨

Derrick and Dayvon carried our bags while I of course just looked pretty Booka and everybody else would be here in the morning I was hoping to go out tonight though

"Ma unlock the door these shits heavy as fuck" he groaned

"Shut up" rolling my eyes I slid the key card through opening the door I walked in holding the door until they both were in and I shut and locked the door

"Awee it's nice in here ain't no roaches or nothing" they both stifled out a laugh shaking their heads at me

I really needed a shower asap I stripped out of my clothes I set them on the bed I walked into the marble bathroom seeing a big bathtub and shower

I turned on the water waiting to melt into the steaming hot water they swear I always make too hot

"Can someone bring me my phone please" a few seconds later came Durk into the bathroom bringing my phone he bent down kissing my cheek while handing me my phone

"So we finna get in the bath?" They swear anytime I take a shower it's they turn too even if they had just took one

"I'm about to take a bath boo" he smacked his lips shaking his head and undressing I could feel his dick on my thigh

"Eww get awayyy" I laughed looking at him through the mirror he mugged him pulling my head back slightly by my hair

"The fuck you mean ew?, I spit in yo mouth and you saying ew"

"Why are you saying that like it's normal?" I cocked my eyebrow up at him

"Nigga it's normal for us" he snapped back he always being so sassy, he let my hair go and stopped the water putting soap in there and a pink bath bomb waiting on the bubbles and color to start

A couple minutes later my bath well I guess our bath was ready I got in sitting in front of Derrick and Von in front of me massaging my feet

"And we taking you to the block that's definitely happening" Durk nodded in agreement with Von

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