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___________________________4 Months Later

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4 Months Later...

"Papa I can't even see my feet, I'm not sure if they look cute in these" I pouted talking to Von today was the day of our baby shower we decided to find out the genders at birth

"Fat mama your feet are sexy as hell now come on we late to our own shit" he kissed my forehead grabbing my hand we walked out of the house together

I wanted to laugh seeing Durk's face from the car he had the most bored expression ever

Von opened the backseat door  for me letting me get in before shutting it and getting in the front

"You have on the same thing you had on when I walked out 30 minutes ago"

"Sitting in the car for 30 minutes is crazy" he straight-faced me forcing my laugh out as a result of the both laughing as he pulled out of the parking garage

Baby Shower

"And where have you been at ms thing" My mom walked up to me instantly putting the Mommy sash on me and putting on Von's and Durk's also

I looked around and saw lots of family and friends it really warms  my heart to know so many people care

Both of our families were very supportive of our relationship which surprised me but I don't  care if they didn't

"I didn't know how much I liked my shoes at first Mommy" We walked to our chairs, saying hello and giving hugs on our way

"Okay little girl you kill me, I'm about to go make yo plates for right now and I already got some extra food at home" She kissed my cheek and walked off before I could reply

And then my emotions hit me receiving all this love from everyone, especially my mom she planned everything, cooked everything, and if she could've paid she would have

"Baby, why are you crying?" Durk wiped my tears he and Von both looked confused

"My mommy she so sweet and perfect to me like she already has me food saved at home and she making my plates right now" They both smacked their lips making me instantly stop crying

"Fuck Y'all" I flipped them both off as they let out small laughs I turned around to see my mom with a towel and two plates with ribs, burgers, hotlinks, macaroni and potato salad and my other plate being crab legs, sausages, and shrimps

"Thank you yay" I danced a little stopping as she sat my plate in my lap I dug right in


"Okay and now we are going time these men's in here on our fast they can change diapers," Leelee said on the microphone

"Y'all better win too cause yall my baby daddies" I pointed my finger in both their faces before they walked off to go play

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