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I don't know who I am.
I spent twelve years pretending to be someone I was not
I spent the next two in a nervous breakdown
I'm finally not struggling to survive
Not just barely floating
I'm happy, peaceful even
But I don't know who I am
Am I brave?
Who am I
You would think after fourteen years I would have some indication
But I'm more like a stranger to myself
I know I spend a lot of time in the hospital
I know I play the trumpet pretty well
I know I don't like even numbers
And I like the color green
I know I'm often confused
And I know I worry that doctors think I'm faking
I know I try to be helpful
And stay out of the way
But I don't know my personalit(ies)
I know I love psychology
And abore trump
I know I hate America
And love Europe
I know I have osdd
But I don't know who I am.
So who am I
Who am I to you?

Shitty Poetry Because I'm Gay, Bored, and Depressed ;)Where stories live. Discover now