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"Welcome to the land of Doles Mr and Mrs Danburry, Hoping your journey was pleasant" Jimin bowed.

Jimin, the second in command after the majesty, he has always helped Taehyung in all the aspects of ruling.

After the dismissal of the previous King and Queen, Taehyung had to take up the responsibility of the Kingdom, ofcourse many people showed their real faces, trying to take the throne but none knew Taehyung had powers hidden behind his beautiful face.

Jimin wasn't really a friend of Taehyung, he wouldn't consider him a friend, an acquaintance maybe.
A mentor.

"When will be the ball's date be out?"
Mr Danburry asked.

"It is already out, Sir. It will be held up in a week from today."

"A week? Will it be the sufficient time for preparation?" Mr Danburry asked.

But Mrs Danburry dismissed her husband by telling.

"Do not forget you have me with you, the master of celebrations" she said making everyone chuckle.

Indeed she was right, if she says she'll do.

"How are the masses doing?"
The elder male asked, taking both thier attention.

"Masses apparently are not forcing His Majesty, but he thinks otherwise" Jimin said with a sigh.

" People nowadays have understood the concept of emotions and openly show their like and dislike, if the majority is in the favor of Taehyung marrying the person he loves or will love, then why is the ball even being held?" Mrs Danburry spoke.

" Maybe He likes it old-school." Jimin chuckled.

"Please excuse me, I have some work to take care of, Please mention any of your wants to the staff, they shall be at your service."

The lady nodded.



It is one of the largest country in the world, prosperity and success touches it's feet.

The start of the dynasty, in the 15th century, was by Taehyung's great great great grandfather, Kim Min-ke.

Min-ke understood the importance of the masses. No government or kingdom was ever successful if the masses were not happy.

He gave them rights, obligations and privileges.

There has been a doing which is almost as a ritual for the Kings.

When the Masses think, the King has had enough of his life of solitude They had the right to appeal for him to choose a partner for himself or choose him a partner by themselves.

Last year during the spring fest, the masses had said the King was old enough to date, and they would like him to have some experience before settling down and marrying by attending the balls.

It was rather unusual act by them but almost 2/3rd of the majority agreed, a King has his own life away from his duties and responsibilities of the Kingdom, they loved Taehyung.

Their decision showed their love for him.

Mr and Mrs Danburry were called to arrange the very first royal ball of the season, where people can find their mates.

Taehyung was still selective about the Masses decision but decided to just go on with it, because even with his strict demeanor he had the same blood, the blood who understood the people's and their feelings.

When Jungkook first stepped inside of the castle, the way Taehyung's behaviour changed towards him was something unbelievable to everyone.

Slowly there friendship grew into something more, they tried to hide it but eyes Never lie.

Everyone knew about the love Taehyung had for Jungkook, even though he was not powerful enough, he was loving.

He would love Taehyung whatever the reason.

Everyone wanted Thier King to listen to his heart, but their King is someone who goes with the tradition.

He has to marry someone powerful as him.

It was for their heir.

When the Kim dynasty started, a witch said.

"Their power will be their end" which means their bloodline will continue to grow stronger very strong.

But until the Kim dynasty falls, Taehyung will probably be someone's great great great great great great (x infinity) grandfather, living near the waterfall, with his loved one, just like his parents.

He missed his parents.
According to the rule, he was not allowed to meet them ever again until he had the title of King.


"Jungkook!" Minhae shouted.

The boy wearing a silver Armor, a sheild in his left hand and a sword in right, drenched in sweat.

"It's time for supper. C'mon" Minhae gasped for breathe, holding his knees.

"Coming." He kept his weapons aside.

"Why do you keep using swords, you are basically the best shooter out there, in the world! Maybe the universe." Minhae exaggerated.

Jungkook laughed, his head lolled back, sweaty bangs falling away from his forehead.

"I don't know, I just like the feeling of it." He said.

"I'll go take a bath, please wait for me."

He was about to go when a soldier came.

"Sir Jeon, The Emperor has ordered to see you right now." Said the soldier.

"Right now? Let me take a shower, I'll go-" he tried to speak.

" Sir Jeon, he said Immediately. "

Jungkook groaned, smelling himself, but yet agreeing with the soldier without any further arguments.

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